Lets Talk ROSES!


Deeply Rooted
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Hattie, absolutely, when you are ready to start uploading photos ask me anything you might need to know, I need to see your garden! :)


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
Reinbeau said:
Hattie, absolutely, when you are ready to start uploading photos ask me anything you might need to know, I need to see your garden! :)

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
Hi vfem, :frow

Thanks for the advice re my laptop etc. :D I'm not sure I can afford more technology......! Especially after all the seeds & plants I've bought lately! :ep I try to be good & keep to a budget but.....!! I.m lucky because I have been a hoarder all my life so I find I can often re-use something I have squirrelled away in my barn. I also raid all my neighbors' piles of throw-away stuff!! I can never believe just how much people burn or take to the waste tip. :barnie When I drove (can't anymore because of my double vision & other eye problems) I used to pick up stuff dumped at the side of the road. I even dumpster-dived to get hold of about 40 sheets of thick glass (with polished edges) from outside a man's outfitters (it had been part of a men's shirt storage display)! I now use them to make protective cloches for my plants. I love re-using things -- I know you do too. :clap Your garden looks lovely in the photos -- CONGRATULATIONS :bouquet You can tell you are an artist from the sense of style to it. I find my previous life as a theatrical designer influences my garden all the time --- making garden pictures. :cool:

Yes, I think buying the best plants is really important. I have actually saved money over the years by only purchasing quality specimens. Acquiring one good rose a year, from a specialist nursery, will also give you time to consider the effect you want to make. It also makes you appreciate it more when the new one arrives -- it's a special event. :love

I wish we lived nearer because then I could send you cuttings -- I'm a bit of a whizz at taking these. It takes a couple of years to get a plant-able bush but it's a real joy when it works. You could easily do it from your "Etoile de Holland". Once you have mastered it you will appreciate just why quality rose bushes cost so much -- it takes three years at least to get a 3ft plant for sale. I am always giving my neighbors & friends gifts of my own roses, grown on their own roots rather than grafted (the method used for cheaper roses), They are so much easier to grow as you don't have all those awful suckers of the wild rose coming up from the base, that you have to cut off every year. :barnie

Have great day in the garden. :tools

:rose Hattie :rose


Deeply Rooted
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Bought two more roses last night, Zphirine Drouhin is a thornless climber (fragrant, of course!) and Clotilde Soupert, just because it sounded lovely, it's an alba rose, smaller, but reblooming and very fragrant. Can't wait til they get here! :rose :watering :rose

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
Hi Reinbeau !

I have Zepherine ( how do you do the accent above the 1st e?) Drouhin. It's beside the gate into the run where my cockerels live. In my last house I had a huge example which had been planted years ago & I fell in love with it then. I don't know Clotilde Soupert but I will look her up!

I have "Canary Bird" in full bloom at the moment -- it is always the first rose to flower in my garden. Actually this year it's a miracle it is alive as it was buried in a huge tangle of very rampant brambles & nettles. I just managed to excavate it in time. Everything on top of it had squashed it to the ground & all the stems were bare -- I thought it was dead; but when I cut a bit off it was greeny-yellow inside so I watered with all the good things & it shot into life! :bow Now I have to deal with getting it back into a decent shape. BUT, I am going to use the fact that it's been in contact with the soil for 2 years to get some more plants from it. I have a very good success in propagating roses & growing them on their own roots. They seem to be much stronger & a lot less trouble -- no suckers or reverting. Lots of nice gifts for friends. :bouquet

I must go out & plant a Tree Peony, it arrived yesterday! Have a great day in the garden.

:rose Hattie :rose


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
Hattie the Hen said:
I must go out & plant a Tree Peony, it arrived yesterday! Have a great day in the garden.

:rose Hattie :rose
Oooooooooooh..... Jealous!!!! Those sounds gorgeous!!! :throw

Do you know, I still have not bought a rose bush or vine?! I just can't seem to get the money for it!? I'm bummed out. I guess I quit smoking just in time to realize how broke we were.

Now, honestly, I've stashed away the money we would have spent on smoking since last week ($30) but since its a shared amount between hubby and I, I can't go spend it on me. That money is for our beach trip for my 30th birthday. :coolsun :coolsun

So.... how can I get that dream climbing rose at a dirt cheap bargain...

I think Hattie should lay down some info on propagating roses, that has been successful for her?! *hint hint* ;) :happy_flower

I NEED a rose to start with here... I need to know whether or not I'm going to kill this thing before I decide to do more then one.

I wish my grandmother was still alive. She used to propagate her rose bushes and she sold them for years. It was her little side business and I envied how gorgeous her yard was... but my mother... oh my mother... she would kill EVERYTHING she tried to grow. I've even tried to help her... and it all ends up dead or ugly :sick :sick :sick :sick :sick :sick

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
Hi vfem :frow

I will give it a try. Not immediately but SOON. :D I do them so quickly & instinctively that I don't really know what I do. :celebrate I don't want to leave anything out.

I have to do some in the next few days, for myself & my neighbors, so as I will make notes as I go -- I promise! :weight

It would be even better if I could solve my camera phobia because then I could show you the stages.

What you will need is a safe place in dappled shade to put them for the year or so till they are sturdy & large enough to cope on there own. I use a deep old ceramic sink which is about 12"-14" deep. it's filled with a mixture of my garden soil, course grit, peat & a little of my own well-rotted compost. Maybe you could make one out of hypertufa? :cool:
It will need to be away from your chickens so maybe you should think of it with a cage on top...!!! Could you incorporate that into your design -- the cage would need to be 2ft high. Chickens, I find, are fascinated by sticks you put in the ground & pay a lot of attention to & they love pulling them out & flinging them about. :barnie

:rose Hattie :rose

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
Hi again vfem, :frow

I meant to tell you I have an "Etoile De Holland"rose here in my garden. I had forgotten about it. I've got Clematis (Pink Flamingo) growing through it & a Golden Hop not far away, with a "Maiden's Blush" rose one the other side. They are beside a path so you get the amazing smell of them as you push the wheel-barrow past -- Mmmm !!!! :love

:rose Hattie :rose

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