Garden Master
A concrete floored shop! You will love that! Great pictures of you and family having a wonderful time together.
Nice, very niceGot up Friday morning early, hooked the disc hiller up to the tractor, begin laying the first of many rows In the big garden. The beauty of the IH Letter series tractor was the wide assortment of attachments used in gardening. I looked for ever to find the factory front cultivator attachments just to form perfect rows.
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These are the original arms built in 1954 and save a lot of work. The blades are new, bought them at Ag supply Lol. Once installed the push of a lever will give you this....
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And 10 minutes later you got a whole field of these...
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I managed to get 10 rows of white corn, 12 rows of purple hulls, 8 rows of yellow corn, and 8 rows of Okra planted Friday. I also got all the tomatoes except for the black cherries, they are still a little too young.
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Its a complex Lol, I will work on something twice as long just so its straight and level. My boy says I'm weird like that, but I like a clean garden.