.... like a hole in the head


Garden Addicted
Jun 5, 2014
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Vancouver Island B.C. Canada
Good for you Cane, these little darlings deserve a better life. It's unbelievable how much joy these little creatures can bring you. Most of our kitties have been rescues or adoptions. The first one was an almost feral/barn cat that was going to a not so nice end. Not on my watch, I brought her home and had her for 18 years, she was my cat and unfortunately for some, very protective of me. If I raised my voice she ran to my side hackles up and claws ready. One evening in her 18th year she meowed, climbed up on my lap and quietly passed away.
I was so attached to her I thought it would be easier if I got another kitten so out to the SPCA we went, I hate going there I want to bring them all home. Lots of cats and kittens in the cat room waiting for their forever homes but when I saw this little waif peeking out from behind a scratching post it was love at first sight. She had just been brought in and was kind of messy looking and only 6 weeks old, DH said there's other cats here that look in better shape but I'm in a mind set by now :). We only had her home a couple of days and we got a call from the SPCA that her brother had been returned and had been diagnosed with ring worm, to bring her back for a refund but if we would keep her they would pay for her treatment (we paid for the treatment and would have paid for her brother if we had known he was to be put down, if you're treating one, what's one more). She hadn't had her vet check yet so out to our vet we went, It was our vet that told us out little girl was very lucky as her brother had been put down, our vet had to order the medication in as they didn't have it in stock, in the meantime we were to give Breeze a lime sulphur dip once a day, she absolutely loved it, purred the whole time we had her soaking in a plastic juice jug, has loved water ever since. The medication was a small pill I had to crush, divide into four and give one part 3 times a day in a bit of margarine. In a couple of weeks or more? we took her back to the vet and had her scoped, she was free of ringworm.
Breeze at 18 years.

One day I was going out to the rabbit barn and spotted an orange cat coming out the door, It turned out to be a long haired female orange tabby, hubby said don't you dare feed it, guess who ended up feeding her, and guess who ended up making a bed in the rabbit barn for her and guess who ended making a bed for her in our stairwell, and who was the first one to let her into the house. I guess you know by now we had decided to keep her and her name is now Annie, I think she had been dumped out of a car on the highway just outside our back fence, for a couple of years she used to sit outside the fence looking at the road. Just a side note preparation H is great for healing sore hocks, this poor kitty had some bad ones. I wish I had a picture on my computer she was a pretty one. We had her for a long time too.

When we lost Breeze, we found another that was born in a horse barn up island, the litter was heading to the SPCA the next day, another torbie female, we had her for 16 years but lost her to stomach cancer, broke my heart and for years I thought I wouldn't get another cat. This cat used to snort like a horse and when she clomped around the house you could hear her coming.
Dusty at 16

In the meantime our then neighbors moved and couldn't take their cat with them so Basil came to live with us,

he was hubby's cat and he got along with our little Cairn terrier Heidi so he finally wormed his way into the house, we had a doggie door for her so Basil got to use it too as he not like our other cats was a inside/outside cat. He was an older cat but he lived out his remaining years with us.

One day I I went to our local feed store not knowing the SPCA was holding an adoption clinic there, honest I just went for some potting soil. I saw all the cats in cages but didn't pay much attention until I felt these eyes boring into the back of my head, yeah you guessed it she came home with me :).
Percy Sept.29th 2009.JPG
Percy, we've had her for 7 years now, she has gone from a very scared kitty who hid under a bed, finally graduating to the cat tree we bought for her which she literately lived on for 6 months, now she rules the house, the beds, the couch, anything else she fancies, she has her own window seat where she watches the bird activity and she has a chef and masseuse at her beck and call. This cat keeps us in stitches with her now bossy ways.
Darn those kitties they seem to know what easy marks we are, I can just hear them, hey guys here comes a couple of suckers.

Last year Hubby and I couldn't think what to get each other for Christmas so we bought a new Dyson Vacuum cleaner. This year we're in the same boat so have decided to donate $500 to our local SPCA and forgo the hair pulling thing of what to get each other, problem solved :).


so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
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SE Missouri, Zone 6
I'm kinda wishing for a cat, but I don't think anything will come of it. We still have PTSD from our two cats from He!!. And we don't really want to do anything to aid the songbird depopulation. And Penny would probably eat a cat. And they are hard to keep flea-less. And and and....


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
I like cats, but our DSIL is so allergic, that it's either him or a cat. Think we'll keep him.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Awww @aftermidnight I loved your post and all your precious kitties. :loveI sometimes think I would like a cat again. I really miss my sweet Sabrina, Fido, Blieu, D.C. But DH's *live in the house* hunting dog would kill any cat he could catch and I am certain a kitten would run. Then there is the littler box issue. I just do not have a good place to put one. :(
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Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Cane, that is one beautiful kitten!!! Great pic too. :love

When I took on these young kittens this year I hadn't expected to get too attached, as they were obtained as working cats...we have a serious squirrel problem here that renders our apple trees useless. Also, cats don't last too long out in the deep woods...usually the wildlife pick them off sooner or later.

Well...the white one showed a distinct personality from the beginning and that has just grown and grown, so I can start to feel a little attachment going on. He's smart, strong, beautiful, fearless and funny so it's a heart lethal combination...I'm hoping he survives a good long time and we can be working partners all the while.

I hope you too will have a long and sweet relationship with little Chaos...with a name like that, he's bound to make his mark. :thumbsup
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