Deeply Rooted
This is one of my "go to" rest places on the farm....I call it the "Trillion Trillium" place...I always visit here when I'm looking for Morel Mushrooms......a nice place to get lost in....

Thanks Mary....we have 225 acres....100 acres are wooded...ninnymary said:Rusty, those are beautiful views! The one with the trees and white ground cover looks so peaceful. I can just imagine strolling through there. How large is your farm?
Both of our houses were hip roofs with 2 ft. overhang. Around here that means little sun gets into the house in the summer to heat and damage while lots of sunlight reaches inside during the winter for more light and warmth. Also. . . we built this one with 6 inch outside walls. Lots more insulation and lots lower fuel costs.digitS' said:I seem to be a little closer to having a home design concept for DW. She apparently likes the look of roofs. I'm not going for an A-frame for love or money . . . well . . . Anyway! A modern version of a British crofter's home.
My view out the garden shed is nearly as beautiful most years, but my woods are amass with the white flowers of garlic mustard rather than trillium. Thanks to a year of DHs hard work, we might be able to remedy that situation. I do hope to reintroduce native woodland flowers once the weeds are eradicated.digitS' said:Rusty has a view that can match a Monet masterpiece and can enjoy it just by stepping out on the deck!
Thanks Steve and Smart Red, Of course I can't forget the sheep and their wonderful reminds me of a Disney movie.....I spend lots of time day-dreaming here too.....Smart Red said:My view out the garden shed is nearly as beautiful most years, but my woods are amass with the white flowers of garlic mustard rather than trillium. Thanks to a year of DHs hard work, we might be able to remedy that situation. I do hope to reintroduce native woodland flowers once the weeds are eradicated.digitS' said:Rusty has a view that can match a Monet masterpiece and can enjoy it just by stepping out on the deck!
Rusty, both those views are fantastic! You must have the second most beautiful property to be had.
Love, Smart Red