Garden Master
Room to grow is an important issue and I have such limited room at home and so much room available at a distant garden . Succession planting is still important to me at both gardens.
Seed from this company is available locally and what seems like sensible plans for a small garden with succession planting are available on their website LINK. Both long & short season garden plans are on the webpage. There are also plans for a framed raised bed.
In your far north location, The Savvy Gardening website may be a good choice for ideas. Niki Jabbour has written some written some useful books about protective growing.
The Cooperative Extension websites for Oregon State, Purdue, Cornell and Texas A & M have provided me with a good deal of information. I should also mention North Carolina State, Colorado State and the University of California, as well. A google search with a "site:edu" will bring up the Extension websites for answers to some of your more technical questions as they come along. All gardening is local but some information can be broadly applied.
Seed from this company is available locally and what seems like sensible plans for a small garden with succession planting are available on their website LINK. Both long & short season garden plans are on the webpage. There are also plans for a framed raised bed.
In your far north location, The Savvy Gardening website may be a good choice for ideas. Niki Jabbour has written some written some useful books about protective growing.
The Cooperative Extension websites for Oregon State, Purdue, Cornell and Texas A & M have provided me with a good deal of information. I should also mention North Carolina State, Colorado State and the University of California, as well. A google search with a "site:edu" will bring up the Extension websites for answers to some of your more technical questions as they come along. All gardening is local but some information can be broadly applied.