Garden Master
I could really use some of those bags of sunshine up here.while out this morning dropping off the chainsaw for some work... dw and i stopped at my favorite hippie store, picked up 8 new trays and a bag of sunshine potting mix.
all i need to do is order some seeds and pots and i will ready to grow....
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yes yes i know you dang yankees are dealing with arctic vortex and wondering if the resupply ships are going to make it... heads up even the icebreaker is stuck....
My own seed starting setup uses high-bay fixtures as well, but mine are for T8 bulbs. Found some good high-intensity bulbs online, and ordered 2 cases, in case they go the way of the once-common high-output T12s... by the time I use those up, the price & availability of LED lighting might have become more attractive. But then again, I'm in my 60's... might not be gardening by that point.