Deeply Rooted

My first attempt at wine was with frozen grape juice concentrate.Greenthumb18 said:Hi HiDelight,
Yep its very exciting, this morning when i went to check up on it, it was already fizzing and smelling like fermentation. I must say it is very fun and rewarding to make wine.
Yes i could relate to that, just when the grapes are ready to harvest theirs no time you have to make wine, and considering how fast they'll spoil if you dont use them soon. With concentrates you can make wine year round, with the fresh grapes only certain times of the year.
I dont mind telling you how i did mine, i bought my concentrates from a homebrewing store. One is a Barbera concentrate which will be the red wine and the other is white Chenin Blanc concentrate. You basically mix a certain amount of cold water with the concentrate then you add the yeast nutrient, a little sugar (you keep adding a little sugar every day or so) and finally the yeast. If you want i could explain the entire wine making process?, i dont mind. I will let you know how mine turns out.
Hi Joe,
For the yeast i chose Red Star Premier Cuvee ( the blue envelope) Yes i have a carboy on hand and i'll looking to get more hopefully before the primary fermention is complete. I fermented mine in the basement because i thought the garage would be too cool, but once it ferments you could move it to a garage even if its a little cooler, it will still ferment just take a little longer. Would love to hear how your wine making goes, are you going to try a concentrate maybe?
Hi Broke Down Ranch,
Yeah you should try it sometime, it isnt all that hard just takes a lot of time and patience.