Leafing Out
Hi again,
The OCC nursery sale is tradionally on during the last weekend of April, or there abouts. I didn't know about it as I live out of town. Coincidently I was visiting a girlfriend and she dragged me along. Like I said, I arrived toward the end of it so the selection was quite picked through, but the prices had been halved
Lots of hanging and container flower arrangements - hydrangeas, impatiens and other assortments. The veggies had a few members of the squash/pumpkin families, tomatos, peppers - can't remember what else. Also had a lot of cactus and spikey succulent type things. Can't you just tell I'm the gardening type?:/ Quite a few of the staff were there and they had lots of good info which they were happy to share.
The OCC nursery sale is tradionally on during the last weekend of April, or there abouts. I didn't know about it as I live out of town. Coincidently I was visiting a girlfriend and she dragged me along. Like I said, I arrived toward the end of it so the selection was quite picked through, but the prices had been halved