Garden Master
I have tons of mason bees (and the stupid carpenter bees too) without having to do anything to encourage them. They are the best pollinators, better than my own honey bees even. They will work on everything they can get all at once and won't stop 'til they've worked every last flower. Honey bees will work one crop at a time (as to what that particular hive is working on) and they'd rather work the white clover in my grass than touch anything in the garden. They'll go to the garden if there is a dearth of nectar though. Mason bees are awesome for pollinating squash/pumpkins and cukes particularly. They are such hard little workers!
Vfem's hubby was making mason bee houses there for awhile. You might PM her and see if they still do.
Vfem's hubby was making mason bee houses there for awhile. You might PM her and see if they still do.