Garden Master
(it's illegal to bury livestock here too

Any pet here, but it is one of those laws no one listens too. I always said write me ticket for burying my dog, i will have no problem going before a judge to fight it.(it's illegal to bury livestock here too)
@flowerbug there is no way I am going to try to compost 1,000 pounds of dead meat or the other one weighs in at 1200-1300 pounds. Not happening. You must be freaking nuts.
We have explored all our options, carefully considered everything and made the decision that is best for us and our old friends.
In our area of Cal. , it is illegal to bury your dead horse on your own property. Cremation costs $800+ . Taking them to our nearest rendering plant costs $150 , that is IF they will take the dead horse. leaving them to rot in the lower 40 ... a few dozen buzzards and a few dozen coyotes will devour the body in a few days , but the stench or rotting flesh is overpowering for a mile or more if the horse expires in summer when our temps are over 100* - 115* + for weeks on end. Then when only bones are left, and you have attracted the coyote hordes from miles around, they will then kill and devour your cats and dogs or any other livestock that you may have. A terrible price to pay, don't you think ?
fine with me, it's your life after all...
just sayin' there are other options for those who may want to go a different route. for me, if i had poor soil i surely wouldn't be wasting valuable nutrients by sending them off-site if i could avoid it in any possible fashion.
i think if you keep large animals and are reaping profits from keeping them then you should also be dealing with their death in a responsible manner. using them to bait wildlife is pretty dispicable.