Garden Addicted
Hey Das how long did your onions take to mature? I've got some about a week and a half apart that I've gotten started. The first batch are coming up nicely though I think they got a little deeper than they'd like so we'll see how that goes. The 2nd batch I planted more appropriately but that was tonight. Hoping to take advantage of the rain and warmer weather thats supposed to be coming through. I had a few that already started to sprout so I planted those first. I still have to get cukes, carrots (thank you Meijer for celebrating Earth Day and giving my daughter a packet of carrot seeds) and my pole beans in the ground. That's what I'm doing from seed. Tomatoes and peppers (both sweet and hot) I'm getting at the nursery this year. I was so busy this past season I never got time to start squat. We're growing a BUNCH more jalapenoes since I found this killer recipe for candied jalapenoes. They are seriously addictive and add a serious kick in the flavor dept to anything we add them to. So we'll have a bunch of those going in. That and Hungarian hots, and bannana peppers to make our enhanced mustard recipe too. Got that from Journey11 from this site. Another GREAT recipe that's very popular around here.
We'll be giving cans of both those and some braided onions this winter at Christmas time. Our families (the wife's and mine) seem to really appreciate it more because they know the work involved.
I did find my little gherkin sized cukes and I'm pumped to get them in.
We made a bunch of pickles last year and I want to do something else in addition to what we already did so I want to make some little garlic gherkins and hot gherkins. So in addition to the traditional dill sized cukes we'll have little itty bitty pickling cukes too. First time with them so we'll see how that goes. If they are half as prolific as they say they are we'll be in good shape. I'm really excited for them.....can't ya tell? 
I know this is a REALLY long shot but if anybody has a started ground cherry plant or plants that they want to part with please think of me. Ill gladly compensate you for it. I wanted to try it this year but since I didn't get anything started inside it just wasn't in the cards. Maybe next year Ill get one in. I'm anxious to try them. I keep reading they make a great chuntney and preserves so I want to give them a whirl. I figured I'd do a container or 2 of them so I can reign them if/when I need to.
Swampducks Im glad you made it back. I told my wife to cremate me and put me in an Old Coot decoy. And put me on the mantle so when anybody asks about me she can say "Oh the old coots right over there"
Lot of people have their retrievers cremated and put into duck decoys so they can take them hunting again with them. So why not put me in one? Good conversation starter if nothing else.
Other than that I'm staying busy with work and am anxious to get things in the ground and growing. All these people in the south and Cali are making me bonkers with their tomatoes!!!!
Keep the faith
We'll be giving cans of both those and some braided onions this winter at Christmas time. Our families (the wife's and mine) seem to really appreciate it more because they know the work involved.
I did find my little gherkin sized cukes and I'm pumped to get them in.

I know this is a REALLY long shot but if anybody has a started ground cherry plant or plants that they want to part with please think of me. Ill gladly compensate you for it. I wanted to try it this year but since I didn't get anything started inside it just wasn't in the cards. Maybe next year Ill get one in. I'm anxious to try them. I keep reading they make a great chuntney and preserves so I want to give them a whirl. I figured I'd do a container or 2 of them so I can reign them if/when I need to.
Swampducks Im glad you made it back. I told my wife to cremate me and put me in an Old Coot decoy. And put me on the mantle so when anybody asks about me she can say "Oh the old coots right over there"

Other than that I'm staying busy with work and am anxious to get things in the ground and growing. All these people in the south and Cali are making me bonkers with their tomatoes!!!!
Keep the faith