Garden Master
Bay', it is said that good things are worth waiting for.
Most times, the health care people are real good at what they do. Don't be in too much of a rush to pull your loved one away from them and their care. Try to look on some of this time as a little bit of a vacation to be by yourself, or just with your DH.
I used to take those long walks down hospital corridors during the long night hours - on my way to the snack machines. Just me and my footsteps as company -- it was a relief to know that others had some responsibilities for my loved one. My time came soon enough, again and again and again.
Most times, the health care people are real good at what they do. Don't be in too much of a rush to pull your loved one away from them and their care. Try to look on some of this time as a little bit of a vacation to be by yourself, or just with your DH.
I used to take those long walks down hospital corridors during the long night hours - on my way to the snack machines. Just me and my footsteps as company -- it was a relief to know that others had some responsibilities for my loved one. My time came soon enough, again and again and again.