Garden Master
when i moved in here it worked out well for us. i was renting a place in a nearby town and the new downstairs people were smokers and noisy. the landlord was a decent guy and was a friend for years afterwards. anyways, my then step-dad picked up and left leaving this room quite a mess. so i spent a lot of time fixing this room up and repainted it after repairing the walls. Mom got it all set up and then a few days later asked me if i wanted to move in since she's also had issues and problems of various kinds with vandals/etc. so it was good for me to be here. the gardens i always helped her with anyways when i was around and had time.
the only real condition on it from me was that this is "My Room" and she doesn't have any say in what i do in here as long as it isn't a hazard to her. i'm not a huge slob, but i am somewhat into clutter (i am a horizontal organizer, out of sight - out of mind). i don't leave food/dishes laying around, i do also put my dirty clothes in the hamper in the utility room, i know how to do dishes, sew, wash clothes, i don't need help in any of those things. i also clean this room a few times a year, but that's about it. i'm gradually getting rid of clutter, but it takes me a long time...
i help her out around the gardens as much as i can since i also greatly enjoy that. i have gotten her away from using poisons and potions and burning things and the property has responded well to that (increased diversity in bugs and bug eaters). i've also spent a lot of time working the house itself to seal it up so that bugs/animals can't get in so easily. the battle seems to be constant, but we've come a long ways and i'm almost done with the final big chink in the armor (the garden shed). hopefully that gets done this spring...
she is doing well, keeps busy/active, has her own friends, once in a while she goes and visits someone and that gives me some unwind time. i seriously dislike the feeling of being "Managed".
we get along very well, i wouldn't be able to do this with just anyone, humor is the main way we have of blowing off steam and we talk about things when we can. at times she gets her way and other times she actually listens to me. as she's getting older certain things are happening which come with age, but she's doing good considering. i'll take care of her as best i can as long as i'm needed here. she took care of me for years as a kid. i can return the favor. besides she's been one of my best friends.
the only real condition on it from me was that this is "My Room" and she doesn't have any say in what i do in here as long as it isn't a hazard to her. i'm not a huge slob, but i am somewhat into clutter (i am a horizontal organizer, out of sight - out of mind). i don't leave food/dishes laying around, i do also put my dirty clothes in the hamper in the utility room, i know how to do dishes, sew, wash clothes, i don't need help in any of those things. i also clean this room a few times a year, but that's about it. i'm gradually getting rid of clutter, but it takes me a long time...
i help her out around the gardens as much as i can since i also greatly enjoy that. i have gotten her away from using poisons and potions and burning things and the property has responded well to that (increased diversity in bugs and bug eaters). i've also spent a lot of time working the house itself to seal it up so that bugs/animals can't get in so easily. the battle seems to be constant, but we've come a long ways and i'm almost done with the final big chink in the armor (the garden shed). hopefully that gets done this spring...
she is doing well, keeps busy/active, has her own friends, once in a while she goes and visits someone and that gives me some unwind time. i seriously dislike the feeling of being "Managed".
we get along very well, i wouldn't be able to do this with just anyone, humor is the main way we have of blowing off steam and we talk about things when we can. at times she gets her way and other times she actually listens to me. as she's getting older certain things are happening which come with age, but she's doing good considering. i'll take care of her as best i can as long as i'm needed here. she took care of me for years as a kid. i can return the favor. besides she's been one of my best friends.