When my dad buys me roses, they are usually bare root. When I get them they are in plastic bags but kept moist. Try that and keep them moist. Let me know how they do.
Well Dew... so long as the roses go to YOUR gazebo. When we bought our first house there were a couple dozen rosebushes. My wife is very fair skinned and she bruises very easily. Imagine what her arms and legs looked like after a few minutes of working / cutting flowers wearing leather gloves, long sleeved shirt and long blue genes in the rose garden ... like raw hamburger ! Beautiful flowers hiding thorns... Pure EVIL ! Out they all went either given away or into the trash. My wife says that you enjoy them in your yard while she admires the blooms from afar.
@bobm I am a short polish girl and take meds that are supposed to "prevent" me from being in the sun for long periods of time.... of course, I ignore the warning labels and do what I want.... with LOTS of sun screen
My wife is French/ English/Irish/ Scotch and she wears a straw hat, leather gloves and long clothes and lots and lots of sunscreen to prevent sunburn while she is working outdoors. The sun is NOT the problem ... it is the EVIL ATTACK THORNS hiding on the rose bushes.