Mulberry - pros and cons?


Deeply Rooted
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
Rochester NH
The Poultry Peanut said:
Hattie the Hen said:
Hi there! :frow

I have a red-fruited mulberry, they are fairly rare over here as most people don't have large enough gardens. Actually I'm not sure I do -- it is growing at quite a pace.......!! I have never tasted a white one but I love the red. Do they taste very different. I have to fight my chickens for the berries! The roos look particularly bizarre leaping straight up in the air to steal them; the hens just stand below ordering the roos to jump (talk about being hen-pecked, the poor boys never get a chance to tr them)! :drool

There is an old saying here that you can tell the last frost of the winter has passed when your mulberry starts leafing up. It seems to be true from my observations over the last 6 years. Has anyone else noticed that?
Hope you are all having a great weekend in your gardens :tools

:rose Hattie :rose
Hahaha no not true where I live they will get leaf buds and then here comes a freeze or frost :barnie
It is the very last tree to leaf out even later then the oak tree in my is the first to loose it's leaves in the fall...

I have a white mulberry


Chillin' In The Garden
May 5, 2008
Reaction score
I have a mulberry in my yard and in the yards near me. If you plant one make sure the tree is not over a side walk/drive way or patio. The berry will fall and make a stained mushy mess. If it's over grass it's no big deal.

The trees grow VERY fast. I had a 1 foot seedling 2 years ago that is not about 5 feet tall!

Bird LOVE them. So if you love birds they are good. If you don't love birds then they are bad. The birds that eat the berries will them poop purple poop all over anything near by...again make sure the tree is not over your drive way.

The berries are tasty and make great jam.

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