Jul 30, 2015 Thread starter #81 valley ranch Garden Master Joined Dec 22, 2014 Messages 5,742 Reaction score 5,734 Points 367 Location Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert Some rats actually went to the cemetry at Virginia City and stole sections of fence and gate. What low class trash.
Some rats actually went to the cemetry at Virginia City and stole sections of fence and gate. What low class trash.
Jul 30, 2015 #82 Nyboy Garden Master Joined Oct 2, 2010 Messages 21,365 Reaction score 16,249 Points 437 Location White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY. LOL no I am all thumbs thats my nephew, was to cold to nap on hammock, so got work done.
Jul 30, 2015 #83 Nyboy Garden Master Joined Oct 2, 2010 Messages 21,365 Reaction score 16,249 Points 437 Location White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY. Yep NYtimes did big article about moments stolen from graves sold as antique garden ornaments