Garden Master
My idea then was that they were telling me that the nerves were lost. I was a little bitter about that because I had seen that neurosurgeon 7 years prior. Admittedly, I was then experiencing the RA flare-ups. Those would soon subside.
"Can't do a thing." Seven years later, "You aren't getting the use of the leg back but we can stop some of the pain." I wanted to ask, "Couldn't you have done something to save the nerves 7 years ago?"
But, the other doc says, "Don't do it. Good chance it would not improve anything and might even make things worse."
Yes, without the flare-ups, I might be okay with surgery on those bones. That's what the neurosurgeon was telling me. Might be helpful with the pain. Of course, as a decrepit olde fella, I have multiple sources of pain and don't often know where it's coming from
. Pain allows us to know we are still alive ...
"Can't do a thing." Seven years later, "You aren't getting the use of the leg back but we can stop some of the pain." I wanted to ask, "Couldn't you have done something to save the nerves 7 years ago?"
But, the other doc says, "Don't do it. Good chance it would not improve anything and might even make things worse."
Yes, without the flare-ups, I might be okay with surgery on those bones. That's what the neurosurgeon was telling me. Might be helpful with the pain. Of course, as a decrepit olde fella, I have multiple sources of pain and don't often know where it's coming from