My day in the sun


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
Who started draft training your dog or horse

Larka the Berner dog. My husband actually initiated it (not a natural animal trainer, lol). He hooked her to his kicksled and walked her down the road on a lead. Then came back and put a few weight plates in a backpack attached to the sled. By that time I was outside and walked up the road with them. He suggested I step on the runners and see what she would do. I did and she looked back briefly, then just pulled like she had done it all her life,wagging her tail the whole time.
She has such a willing disposition. Love that dog!

Since then I have had her pull the firewood sled full of wood to the garage twice, and the water bucket sled out to water the animals.
We also pull the empty sled up to the mailbox and around to visit the critters just so it's not always hard work. She's not ready to pull on her own without the encouragement of one of us at her head, but I see her pulling me around on the kicksled next winter. :)

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