Deeply Rooted
One of my Black Copper Marans went broody about 4 weeks ago. I gave her eggs a week into her broodyness once I realized I couldn't break her. She got 7 Blue Andalusian eggs and 7 Blue/Black Orpington eggs from a local 4H girl. I candled at day 12 I believe and all 7 Blue Andalusian eggs were developing and I couldn't really tell with the Orpington eggs at the time since the shells were so thick. They are due to hatch tomorrow night or Saturday. She has done so well and has never abandoned her nest. I have pulled one "quitter" Orpington egg from under her- it stopped at day 3 or so it seemed when I cracked it open. Two nights ago she broke one of the Blue Andalusian eggs and it had a chick in it that obviously didn't make it. Although it was interesting to see, it was quite sad to clean up from under her. She hasn't gotten up in 4 days to eat, drink, or relieve herself so I gave her some watermelon today to keep her hydrated and hopefully get her to get up and move around. She's taking her job VERY seriously. Here's to hoping that we get at least one chick out of the deal. Please send some good vibes our way!