Garden Addicted
We were out of town for a week, and I couldn't BELIEVE the size of my tomatoes when we got back, so I have to post pictures! The snap peas are HUGE too, they've got the sunniest spot in the greenhouse and they LOVE it. We've harvested tons of cilantro, lots of lettuce, and a couple zucchinis already.
2 big boy tomatoes hanging upside down, and one of those strawberry tomatoes (tomatoberry??) (which has little green tomatoes!!!) growing upright behind them:
The 'garden bench' in the greenhouse (which is FULL, does anyone ever leave themselves room to WORK there???) with the HUGEST big boy tomato, and mixed herb pots, some peonies and hot peppers on the bench:
The snap peas and lettuce:
For comparison, these were my tomatoes on June 4th:
2 big boy tomatoes hanging upside down, and one of those strawberry tomatoes (tomatoberry??) (which has little green tomatoes!!!) growing upright behind them:
The 'garden bench' in the greenhouse (which is FULL, does anyone ever leave themselves room to WORK there???) with the HUGEST big boy tomato, and mixed herb pots, some peonies and hot peppers on the bench:
The snap peas and lettuce:
For comparison, these were my tomatoes on June 4th: