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- #91
Garden Master
Eva has a nice face and it looks Jersey to me. I'm sure you know, if you choose, you can milk once a day. Just wondering, do you have a milking machine, or if are you're going to hand milk.
A Jersey male friend would be great, when she's ready.
Are the other two, your now, or just visiting?
Yes, Eva is 1/2 jersey. I'm hoping to be able to milk OAD and share with her calf. Like most folks, I'm going to give hand milking a try... we'll see how long before I'm putting a machine on the credit card - LOL.
This time around I'm breeding her with an angus bull for a 3/4angus calf. Male will eventually go to 'freezer camp' and female will be sold... probably to the owner of my visitors.
These girls will head home at some point. This is a good test run to see how my pastures hold up. And for me to learn how to manage more than just one little 'pocket cow'. I'm already facing a bit of a challenge. Jeff feeds his girls POUNDS of pellets every day. Eva has been raised on grass/hay with just a treat of grain to keep her in the routine of coming to the stanchion every evening. I've got to figure out how to get them separated long enough for everyone to get what they're supposed to and to NOT get what they're not.
I think that tonight's project is going to be cleaning out the spare stall and seeing if I can get them to come inside. Three cows, three stalls.... easy peasy right?