Please notice the small bright green leaf on the left, and the small bud coming out of the center of the right side!
I put the plant in a nice sunny area. It was in a hallway that has a sunroof on the south slant. It was there for about a month and low and behold; new growth!
If you want to get a bit metaphysical... I have been spending more time with my family over the last few months...
Anyways, thanks for the suggestions and responses, I know it's just a small plant, but it really is special to me..
Philodendron was originally known as the tree of love. I think it is a good one to speak and feel of as a metaphor of ones love. Sometimes you just have to never mind what anyone else may think.
I think that's what its name means.
Yours looks like a true dwarf species, and yes, looks from here like a Philodendron. They are in the same family as Calla Lily. Araceae.
Lots of folks don't know it, but these philodendrons are kind of air rooted. what's that word? epiphyte
i've had several friends witrh awesome vines! They can even keep growing for a year if they are cut off from their roots!
But yours looks like a dwarf species.
I'll have to look it up about the dwarf ones. your soil looks rich, your pot looks clean of salts. Maybe too much moisture in the soil?