Garden Addicted
Took Fenny for a ride. It was his first time and he was a very gud boi. After all the years I spent in a wheelchair, this was a landmark day. I didn’t think I would ever be back in the saddle, but I made it! I am still very weak but the riding will build strength and balance that will really help me a lot. I’ve started falling lately and it’s not been fun
Fen wasn’t too sure about what he should be doing as he’s never seen me horseback. He followed from a distance, then finally walked beside us, then with confidence he led the way. He recently learned his left and right (so I can help him find what I need him to bring) it made navigating much easier. I will start training him to walk behind to my left as there are times he’ll have to be out of the way and fully under control. Another thing Heath did so well. I spent all that time fighting to get better so HEATH and I could ride. I never dreamed I would lose him. But Fen is doing an awesome job and even has some skills Heath didn’t.
We rode a few miles, then Fen ran to the house while I put Mister up.
It was a long trip in tge heat for him in his heavy black coat.
I think I might have broke him!!

Fen wasn’t too sure about what he should be doing as he’s never seen me horseback. He followed from a distance, then finally walked beside us, then with confidence he led the way. He recently learned his left and right (so I can help him find what I need him to bring) it made navigating much easier. I will start training him to walk behind to my left as there are times he’ll have to be out of the way and fully under control. Another thing Heath did so well. I spent all that time fighting to get better so HEATH and I could ride. I never dreamed I would lose him. But Fen is doing an awesome job and even has some skills Heath didn’t.
We rode a few miles, then Fen ran to the house while I put Mister up.
It was a long trip in tge heat for him in his heavy black coat.
I think I might have broke him!!