n95 dust masks


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
Coronavirus cases continue to rise in the U.S. (David Foster/Yahoo Finance)


Garden Ornament
Mar 2, 2019
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Zone 4- Twin Cities, MN
First young child died from Coronavirus. New toll, Coronavirus 2,000+. Common flu-29,000-59,000. Now we are hearing reports that America has to get back to work. Start producing products that China did. Follow the money.

People getting sick and some dying is always s serious. I find it curious that we shut non essential jobs down when 1,000 die but not when 29,000 died. In fact, I was shocked when I saw deaths from flu in USA this year.

You keep comparing it to the flu. If it’s only as bad as it is it will be by a combination of luck and proper social distancing and other prevention measures. This virus is spread twice as easily and is ~ 10x more fatal than the flu. It’s only been widely in the US for about a month (you’re comparing to a full year of flu deaths). It’s also hospitalizing people for long-term stays (weeks) in such high volumes (which the flu does not) that our medical system will not be able to accommodate the demand. People will die from (1) organ failure that did not respond to treatment (2) organ failure due to lack of medical access (ventilators, hospital space, medical staff) (3) completely unrelated illness and injury that likely would not have been fatal if the patient had medical access (but did not because the hospitals were beyond capacity). Additionally, the average death occurs 18 days after symptom begin to show. This is a much longer disease course than the flu. This isn’t the flu. This is what the flu would be if we didn’t have vaccines or any natural resistance built up.

I believe I have the virus. I have been sick for two weeks now and am finally on the mend over the last few days. It is the sickest I've ever been in my life and I genuinely believed I might die a couple of times. 104*F uncontrollable fever, coughing until I threw up, couldn’t get out of bed for 6 days, and I’ve not had my voice for 8 days now from the non-stop cough. I absolutely see how this lands people in the hospital and kills folks. The best part: this is classified as a MILD case.

It is not the flu and stay-at-home measures are necessary and responsible for most areas of the country. I desperately want to shake sense into people who believe this is an over-reaction. I want them to see what has happened in the US by the end of April and eat their words. I also want them to be right, because I don’t want thousands of people to die to prove they were wrong.


Garden Addicted
Jun 30, 2017
Reaction score
Rotterdam, Holland
People getting sick and some dying is always s serious. I find it curious that we shut non essential jobs down when 1,000 die but not when 29,000 died. In fact, I was shocked when I saw deaths from flu in USA this year.
The difference with the common flu is that it has a death rate of 0,1%, corona's is at least 1%. Also the amount that needs to be hospitalised is much greater. If we keep all businesses working there will be too many people sick for the hospitals to handle and even more will die.

There's a lot of lies and untruths being told about this virus. I don't want to make this political, but from overseas I have to say it's hard to see the lies being spread even by the president during this crisis, it's harmful and costing lives. Listen to the virologists, doctors and nurses this is noting like the flu. It will get a lot worse and is far from over.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
I was not saying this virus is the same virus as a flu but that we have lost over 29,000-59,000 people from October till now from “common” diseases, that can also be controlled in the same way. Yet, crickets. I am borderline in the “at risk” group-age, and blood type. Did we as a country react fast enough? How do you know? Looking back, virus hit USA maybe in December/January-no one really knows. We also have no meds for other “common” diseases we fight every year as they also mutate. Last year’s flu shot gave us no protection what so ever. Social distancing may slow the spread but will not stop the spread. Everyone will have to get inflicted at some level before it’s not a threat-it’s how things work. This virus (& others) is not going away. What everyone was concerned about was if everyone got it at the same time-as it was hot. My daughter-a nurse-says that unless critical-they send you home to recover-just like a cold/flu. As f now, America is in “panic” mode and media is stoking the fires while selling advertising like never before.

@TwinCitiesPanda I had something over Thanksgiving (as did many here) that gave me the very same symptoms. If I wasn’t healthy, might have landed me in hospital. Some are still fighting the symptoms 3 months later. I’m sure some died from it otherwise where did the 29-59,000 deaths come from? I am not trivializing anyone’s fears but I also don’t want to spread the panic. Different virus, same results. Next year, it will be another virus or mutant virus. Bottom line, sick stay home till you stop spreading the hot version of virus and continue to use proper cleansing. Some are putting themselves at risk, why? Stupid knows no age, economic or political party.
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Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
at present there is little evidence it is mutating much as there is little to no selection pressure from the environment (i.e. it is easily spreading). that is a part of what sets this disease apart from the flu viruses (which are a different kind) but it also makes it likely a vaccine will be effective once we can come up with one.

the *crickets* you speak of may just be the popular press not noticing, but those of us who watch this sort of thing do notice it each season and i have been all along as the same with hospital infection rates for various diseases. there will be a drop in transmission of the various other social diseases too as a result of this event. i'm sure there will be studies coming out from this eventually.

we had two potential pandemics cut short (MERS and SARS - microbes related to the current pandemic but not the same) by previous administrations because they actually knew what they were doing and had the support of the leadership. the current leadership is muddled and anti-science.


Garden Ornament
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 4- Twin Cities, MN
I was speaking with friends recently who were bemoaning the acts of individuals who have refused to follow guidelines (Florida spring break fiasco) and I thought of all those PSAs/propaganda posters from WWII about avoiding unnecessary travel, growing a victory garden, rationing, etc. I’m really surprised the US government did not come up with any similar campaigns during this to try and appeal to people’s civic duty or patriotism to collectively fight this pandemic. I wonder if our citizenry is even capable of surviving wars and depressions in the resilient way we have in the past. Is anyone willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of society at large anymore? Has anyone out there decided to put up more food in case their neighbors need help, or only bought more ammo to protect their goods? We can’t even get people to electively not pack themselves onto beaches right now. It’s sort of a united we stand, divided we fall type situation. We need someone who works in marketing on this COVID-19 task force.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
First young child died from Coronavirus. New toll, Coronavirus 2,000+. Common flu-29,000-59,000. Now we are hearing reports that America has to get back to work. Start producing products that China did. Follow the money.

People getting sick and some dying is always s serious. I find it curious that we shut non essential jobs down when 1,000 die but not when 29,000 died. In fact, I was shocked when I saw deaths from flu in USA this year.
If memory serves Trump was suggesting getting out of China 5 years ago, maybe longer. A few weeks ago he was suggesting medical supplies be made here, instead of China, and, perhaps, join with a few South American countries to produce there, and lift up their middle class as well.
Since we are fielding problems and solutions, one of the biggest problems is storage. Many mid western and western cattle ranchers gamble that they don't need a barn or shelter for their cattle. Every few years some of them lose their herds to a winter storm.
Many/most of the medical supplies Now in short supply can be stored for years without degrading. They come packaged in plastic and no harm to them if kept dry. I don't even think temperature is a factor.
I, too, am aware that this year's flu is more lethal. DH and I routinely get flu shots and I haven't had a flu or anything like it for 3 years.
Everybody stay safe, wash your hands a LOT, dig your fingernails into a bar of soap to help clean them, and I use vaseline every night so that my hands won't dry out and create a place for viruses and bacteria to enter.
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Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
Reaction score
East-central Wisconsin
Just heard this on the news. There were 519 people that died today from the coronavirus. Stay home people.
Good advice, for those that can do so. I'm one of the "lucky" ones who works in a mission-essential factory, which expects to continue business as usual. Management has been taking precautions, such as sanitizing things between shifts, and segregating people during breaks... but every day at work still feels like Russian roulette. I'm getting increasingly uncomfortable with pulling that trigger. :hide Between a rock & a hard place, shouldn't be forced to choose between my job & my life... or DW's life, should I pass something to her. Both of us are considered "at risk", for both age, and health reasons.