First young child died from Coronavirus. New toll, Coronavirus 2,000+. Common flu-29,000-59,000. Now we are hearing reports that America has to get back to work. Start producing products that China did. Follow the money.
People getting sick and some dying is always s serious. I find it curious that we shut non essential jobs down when 1,000 die but not when 29,000 died. In fact, I was shocked when I saw deaths from flu in USA this year.
The difference with the common flu is that it has a death rate of 0,1%, corona's is at least 1%. Also the amount that needs to be hospitalised is much greater. If we keep all businesses working there will be too many people sick for the hospitals to handle and even more will die.People getting sick and some dying is always s serious. I find it curious that we shut non essential jobs down when 1,000 die but not when 29,000 died. In fact, I was shocked when I saw deaths from flu in USA this year.
If memory serves Trump was suggesting getting out of China 5 years ago, maybe longer. A few weeks ago he was suggesting medical supplies be made here, instead of China, and, perhaps, join with a few South American countries to produce there, and lift up their middle class as well.First young child died from Coronavirus. New toll, Coronavirus 2,000+. Common flu-29,000-59,000. Now we are hearing reports that America has to get back to work. Start producing products that China did. Follow the money.
People getting sick and some dying is always s serious. I find it curious that we shut non essential jobs down when 1,000 die but not when 29,000 died. In fact, I was shocked when I saw deaths from flu in USA this year.
Good advice, for those that can do so. I'm one of the "lucky" ones who works in a mission-essential factory, which expects to continue business as usual. Management has been taking precautions, such as sanitizing things between shifts, and segregating people during breaks... but every day at work still feels like Russian roulette. I'm getting increasingly uncomfortable with pulling that trigger.Just heard this on the news. There were 519 people that died today from the coronavirus. Stay home people.