Need support for elimination diet


Garden Addicted
Apr 28, 2010
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Palm Desert CA
IBS can be a real problem. Since you have all of the symptoms of several diseases but not the diseases themselves there is little treatment a doctor can do.
I had a bad case of it due to several occurences of an impacted colon during my recent stay in the hospital. It just stretched my colon till I had very little control. There was a more or less constant flow of mucus that was really disgusting and I had to carry several depends whenever I left the house. Fortunately it is almost all cleared up. In my case the exercise during cardiac rehab seems to have done the trick. It restored the normal movement of the bowel. I no longer have to worry about embarrasing myself in public. You might try a treadmill and exercycle or walking and biking. A good health club trainer can give you the exercises that will strengthen the lower abdominal muscles.


Garden Addicted
Jul 17, 2008
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Zone 6A - Southeast Indiana
Today is it! I have a menu planned for the whole week with 3 meals & 3 snacks a day. Once I did that, I started feeling a lot more confident that I can do this. Now my fear has changed from what if I cant eat pizza again to what if this doesn't make me feel better. But I'm optimistic! Thanks for all the support and advice! :)


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
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Curly Kate, I completely understand your disillusionment with doctors. My old uncle Farnum had the same problems with doctors. In fact he called them all a bunch of "croakers".

Lately though I've been seeing doctors at the San Francisco veterans medical center about my eyes mostly. Two years ago my vision had worsened to basically blind! I could not tell how many fingers they held up 5 feet in front of me! They ran many tests, and used state of the art computer programs for diagnosis.

Were your doctors using the new computerized diagnostics systems? It is amazing. For me, my eye problem turned out to be so rare it was at the very bottom of the list. They treated it with the best treatment available at first, and boom, I could see again!!! It was like one of those bible miracles. But the treatment to save my eyesight also came with the prognosis that I had a 40% chance of dying of congestive heart failure within 10 years.

So my doctors contacted the very specialist who came up with the treatment. He was from England, had multiple Md degrees, and was the top eye doctor in the world. Last November this specialist wanted to review my case personally. Peripheral Ulcerative Keratitis is so rare that even he had only seen 7 cases of it. He had developed a new treatment plan that involved much much less of the medicine, and would therefore not be a limiting factor on my lifespan! He came to San Francisco just to see me, and I was so lucky he did. Of course he also saw other patients while here. The new treatment has me holding a wash cloth over my eyes, wet with comfortably hot water, each morning. Only once every 6 months do I need to use a drop in each eye of a mild solution of prednisolone.

Many of the doctors at the Medical Center are Interns and residents. They are young and being very well trained. These young doctors all are using the new computer systems now.

Actually, computer assisted medicine is taking a major new leap right now. Major. There is a new part of the system, a machine, that is already out there, that can map an entire genetic genome. It works in conjunction with computer programs and can tell the doctor or specialist exactly what the possible problems a person can have with percentages, not just that, but how old you will be when you get the medical problem, with likelihood algorithms, and lifestyle choices a part of the program.

These gene sequencing programs are just now starting, but the computer diagnostics is already being used. If your doctor was not sitting there with a double wide monitor on the computer scolling down multiple pages, typing inputs as the screen changed, your doctor was not using the best available tool for diagnostics.

The days of "nonspecific" infections or allergies or syndromes are over and done with. Good doctors do not leave conditions "unspecified" anymore.


Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
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Seacoast NH zone 5
vfem said:
This is going to sound dumb, but when I was 16 I finally complained to my mom that when I ate beef (steak, or very low process red meat) I felt like I had a rock in my stomach for days. Turned out my stomach didn't produce a vital enzyme used to break down meat. I quit eating beef and pork without looking back. Its been 17 years since I've eaten any meat other then chicken or seafood. Much easier on my body for it.

Try eliminating meat or something you eat daily first before eliminating off foods you enjoy you hardly touch.
interesting that you mention this. a guy we had working on our house mentioned he couldn't eat chicken because he lacked an enzyme to break down the protein. he would go into shock like he was stung by a bee if he tried to eat it! never thought to ask if this also applied to duck or turkey meat.

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
People who fast say they feel great. Before I had my gallbladder surgery, the doc put me on a liquid diet for about 4 days. I felt really good, besides being hungry. But I think if we occasionally do a semi-fast it gives our system a chance to catch up and clean out.
You may decide you can do without a lot of foods, particularly processed crap.