Need Support


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
As many of you know, I have been sick on and off since early July of 2011. Before that I've always picked up many viruses with ease. I'm pretty healthy otherwise.

Since July, I've had 3 more 'cold' like sicknesses. In July, they determined I had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever & Mono. A second review by a doctor in September questioned that. And now I'm not so sure that was what was happening to me.

I've been very broke to go any further at that point, but now I'm concerned about my health going downhill so fast and I have to come up with the $$$ to solve this. My business, and my family are suffering as a result of my inability to remain healthy. My husband may be losing his job soon, and therefore losing our healthy insurance (this is the first year of my life I've ever had it at all)! So starting tomorrow we're going to start serious testing for allergies and autoimmune diseases that may be the cause of this plight!

I think Steve said he has an autoimmune disease as well, if I'm correct? I was wondering the exact symptoms? Curious as to whether I'm going down the wrong avenue? any diet suggestions to strengthen your system? The only fact I KNOW for sure... is EVERY blood test I've ever had has had 'slightly' elevated white blood cell count. They said it was never enough to be concerned, but if it happens with EVERY test, should you be concerned?

Simply, I'm just sick all the time... I'm weak... I'm tired... I'm just not myself! I'm fighting to get my strength and life back. :/


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
V, I hope the doctors find the problem and a treatment.

I had a rheumatoid arthritis problem as a young person. Flare-ups probably began when I was only about 7 or 8. They were relatively minor until I got into my twenties. Flare-ups were so common that I didn't think I had much longer to live. However, instead of getting worse & worse, they became less frequent until the most serious events stopped altogether at about age 40. By that time, I had significant joint damage and the RA may have caused organ damage.

Since the immune system is attacking the body cells, no cells are safe. By that I mean, white blood cells are also attacked. My understanding is, and I could be wrong, that an autoimmune disorder results in low white blood cell counts. And, I have "slightly" lower WBC counts that are, at least, stable these days. And, I am also prone to other, minor infections.

High counts should indicate an actual infection. RA isn't an infection, it is just this ridiculous inflammation :rolleyes:. There are several different types of white blood cells and the number of each is one way for the MD's to know if mononucleosis is the problem.

There are many, many types of RA and there are other autoimmune diseases. It would be wonderful if medical research would make things simpler but it always seems to just add more variables and complexity. However, better understanding leads to better treatments.

Shucks V, today was my day to be silly on TEG. Being sick isn't silly. I hope the tests sift out some of those variables and the MD's come up with some answers and help.

Steve :hugs


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
Thank you Steve, I am by far NOT myself. My husband knows that its gone too far, I always was the 'bounce back queen'. Nothing got me done for long. This is the first time in nearly 9 years he doesn't know what to do with me, and neither do I. He's made it clear he wants me kids but I'm in no place to chance that anytime soon until I can resolve my issues.

I'm tired of being laid out on the couch or trying to get in an afternoon nap because my body won't work like it should.

I just need to someone or anyone to be patient with me, and tell me to be patient on a day to day strive during testing time. I am very impatient by nature, I know that much about me! :lol:

For once, I need someone and I admit it. Usually I am so stubborn I try it ALL on my own. I juggle a million things and I'll carry the stress all alone. I guess I'm here because I need strength... and you get strength in numbers right? ;)


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
All I can say is keep looking. My wife suffered from a digestive tract problem for many many years but finally found the right specialist who found the right pharmaceuticals. The problems are still there in the background. There are still a lot of things she cannot eat. But her life is now a lot better than it was. So don't give up.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
There you go, first hand knowledge.

And, I bet there are numbers near you, V! Think about joining a couple of support groups. You can give one of your local social service agencies a call and find out what is nearby. Often, that is just about all the work the agencies are doing anymore - telephone referrals.

Still there are groups out there, like churches, that will turn over their facilities for folks to get together and talk about what they have in common. And especially, what they have in common that is difficult for them to carry on just 2 shoulders.

And BTW - guys often assume the darnedest things about everything, including women. It's like that very wise man Aristotle. I mean, he actually thought that women have fewer teeth than men! All he would have had to do is ask Mrs. Aristotle to open her mouth so he could have counted . . .



Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
Sorry to hear you are still struggling with your health, V. I hope you get some answers/treatment soon. :hugs Seems a lot of times it does come down to doing your research and approaching your doctor and saying--I think I have THIS. I had been to my doctor three times for chonic bronchitis/uncontrollable cough until I finally got her to check me for asthma. Now that I have an inhaler, I don't get that hateful all day and night cough everytime I get a stupid cold.


Deeply Rooted
Sep 13, 2008
Reaction score
So Sorry to hear about this V, I really hope you can get better and not have to worry anymore. I could only imagine what your going through. I hope the testing tomorrow will help answer questions and make you feel better.

Don't give up V, we are all here to help you!! :hugs


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
journey11 said:
Sorry to hear you are still struggling with your health, V. I hope you get some answers/treatment soon. :hugs Seems a lot of times it does come down to doing your research and approaching your doctor and saying--I think I have THIS. I had been to my doctor three times for chonic bronchitis/uncontrollable cough until I finally got her to check me for asthma. Now that I have an inhaler, I don't get that hateful all day and night cough everytime I get a stupid cold.
Glad to see you Journey! I hope you are doing well! :D

Sadly, I have done some research and I do think I know what I have. I am going to bring it up with my doctor, but I truly hope I'm wrong. What it is has some treatments, but no cure.

Most doctors say they 'HATE' when patients self diagnose, but I know my history better then anyone. From everything I've found, and I even tried to talk myself out of it, it does appear to be Lupus to me. Lets hope I'm wrong, but I will talk to my doctor about my symptoms 7 get his view. I will also go see a skin specialist next week so they can look at my skin issues that appear to line up with it.

Whatever happens I will probably be here to talk about it either way. I've tried to talk to my husband tonight, and I noticed he is so scared to talk about my health right now. He literally kept changing the subject and couldn't look me in the face. I hate freaking him out. He's not very 'emotionally supportive', though I know in his heart he just doesn't know how. And I love him for it anyways. :D

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