Apr 20, 2015 Thread starter #31 SweetMissDaisy Garden Addicted Joined Jun 5, 2010 Messages 941 Reaction score 595 Points 257 Location Eastern Washington Added daffies to the corners of the coop yard, and a clump of daisies from ThistleBloom to each corner as well. I will be adding window trim, more plants, and other odds and ends as we go...
Added daffies to the corners of the coop yard, and a clump of daisies from ThistleBloom to each corner as well. I will be adding window trim, more plants, and other odds and ends as we go...
Apr 20, 2015 #32 Carol Dee Garden Master Joined Apr 28, 2011 Messages 13,233 Reaction score 21,707 Points 437 Location Long Grove, IA Looks good in the golden sunlight! You always have cozy coops.