simple life
Garden Ornament
Hi, I am new to this forum but I am also on the Backyard Chicken forum,Which I love and has been a wealth of information so I know I will be happy here as well.I have several flower gardens, a rock garden and approx 40 new shrubs.I am now going to start my first vegetable and herb gardens, now that I have an endless supply of chicken poop
So I am on here trying to scare up as much info as I can get so that I am prepared and hopefully won't make as many mistakes as I would without this help.
I hope some of you will stop by here and say hello, I noticed already that there are not only fellow gardeners from Massachusetts but also from the South Shore.I think at least one of you is even a fellow chicken keeper.Hope to meet some of you here.
I hope some of you will stop by here and say hello, I noticed already that there are not only fellow gardeners from Massachusetts but also from the South Shore.I think at least one of you is even a fellow chicken keeper.Hope to meet some of you here.