Garden Master
yep! got chickens. or as someone on here calls them Asian Ground Parrots! i also live in the city with chickens. but, just down wind of a small alpaca farm & hay fields. there are a few 'stealth' coops around my neighborhood but we all seem to know where they are when we hear the egg song.Hi. Thanks for your welcome! By your member name, I take it you have chickens. The only birds I have are the ones at the feeders, but my daughter has four chickens, is part of a pilot program in the city of Ithaca to allow chickens within the city. She's the vegetable gardener. I just grow flowers and such. Plants are my pets! I really miss them in the winter. It has been exciting to see many shoots poking up and some crocus blooming. Yay!
plenty of us have different pets and farm animals along with a love for gardening & plants. when winter comes is when the seed hoarders anonymous thread will show up. we get withdrawal when we don't get to see green stuff growing!