New property owners again


Deeply Rooted
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
West Virginia
One of the bedrooms is also completed and waiting for carpet. The master bath is 80%, and needs a new tub faucet installed, toilet, paint touch-up and baseboard. If you look at the living rooms pics above you can see both toilets (big cardboard boxes). The guest bath needs the tub trimmed out, toilet and vanity installed after a second coat of paint tomorrow, then it will be done.
The major remaining repairs are in the master bedroom. I still have to pull the old carpet, repair the floor then paint everything. I don't anticipate any problems.

As Dew mentioned earlier, the sewer is complete, inspected and buried. That leaves the new electrical service to install. It won't be fun, but it will get done.


Deeply Rooted
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
West Virginia
Thanks folks! It's been an enormous amount of work. I hate trying to remodel a trailer because nothing fits. Everything is special to trailers and finding a replacement is nearly impossible. Even if you special order a part exactly like the thing you are replacing, it won't fit quite right because trailers shift, warp and bend so much over the years. This particular home has 3/8" drywall, but of course it's vinyl covered, which makes it a total pain to work with. The walls are 2x6, but the stud spacing is so irregular that the drywall has bowed (since it's only 3/8") making it nearly impossible to make quality repairs.
We're doing the best we can though, and it should be a decent place to live for a time.

Since we are doing this on a budget, everything is cheap contractor grade materials. It took a lot of work to make the cabinets look good Carol. I shudder to think what they would have looked like if I didn't have a wood shop to dress them up.

Thistle, the bright and cheery is totally thanks to Dew. I would have went white on white. I hate painting, so all white means I don't have to worry about getting one color on another. Dew did most of the painting before her accident. I have taken over most of what is left, although I did yell at her today for painting too high in the front bedroom and reaching over her head.

The back-splash makes me dizzy if I stare at it too long, Nyboy. I was worried about getting it to stick, but I found a good tile adhesive that seems to be holding very well. I also used a light grey grout that really looks better in person than in the pics. It matches the counter top very well. I had a lot of trouble with the splash. It's mostly solid glass tiles with some stone tiles mixed in. I don't have a tile cutter, so I cut everything with a grinder with a tile blade on it. There were glass splinters everywhere...LOL. In the end it came out OK, and hasn't fallen off the wall...yet.

Despite my best efforts, I don't think I can have it finished by Dew's birthday. Most of the home is done and waiting for carpet. The exception is the master bedroom. We have not even started in there yet. I don't expect any major problems. There is a bad spot in the floor under one window, but should be an easy fix. The walls are solid and need no repairs. I figure a day of demo pulling the carpet and cutting out the bad floor; then a day to put the floor back together and two days of painting should have it ready for carpet.

That leaves the bathrooms to finish. The master bath is nearly done with only some trim and baseboard left to do. The front bath is finally painted and needs a toilet, vanity, medicine cabinet and baseboard installed.

The biggest chore now is getting the electrical service in and turned on.


Garden Addicted
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Zone 6a
I have owned 2 single wide mobile homes. Although I love the concept of mobile home living, ownership can be a PIA. As you say, nothing fits, nothing is standard. My last one, I owned from 05-10', was a major leaker. As a single woman, trying to fix/repair some of the leaks was beyond frustration.

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