Garden Master
Call me weird but I like shoveling snow.
Ok, You are weird!
Call me weird but I like shoveling snow.
How's the DL doing now Bee? My DL never composts like yours does. I guess it's more of a deep bedding since it doesn't compost? It breaks down and the poo disappears with no smell, but I have no composting going on. Maybe if I add water to it, but I don't do that in the winter. I will spray it down in the summer to help keep the dust down a bit.
It kind of took my breath away to see green instead of white everywhere. I forgot what the ground looks like. Lol@Beekissed do you mean like this?
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12/23 tonight they are calling for rain so decided to uncover everyone so they get a fresh breath of air, of course a drink of rain water. the next 5 days is suppose to be in the low 40's at night, might leave them uncover...
I'd call that composting! It's just a cool compost rather than a hot one. If it breaks down and the manure disappears, then you are achieving the goal, it would seem. It's likely if you are not stirring it up too much and are capping off the moist litter with dry, you have enough moisture trapped under there for good composting.
You'd not believe it, but after I added more moisture, that compost cooled right down! I'll not be doing that any time soon again. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Bee, I tried doing what you do but it didn't seem to work for me. Perhaps it was because the coop floor had originally about 8 bags of sand? The hens would eat the kitchen scraps and the leaves seemed to get packed. It was also very dry. I was also afraid that with my rat problem it would just attract them. But the coop is covered with 1 inch hardware cloth and there is no where where any animal can dig in. So I could be wrong in them being able to get in. I gotten different answers about whether rats can go through a 1 inch opening. I was so hoping it would work. I wanted to give the hens something to do instead of being bored.