Nov 24, 2011 #11 RustyDHart Deeply Rooted Joined Dec 23, 2010 Messages 396 Reaction score 156 Points 127 Location NW Michigan Welcome from Northern Michigan......this group and the BYC group are the best people I've ever met.....tons of info and always eager to help kinda gang! Rusty Hart (Irish Acres)
Welcome from Northern Michigan......this group and the BYC group are the best people I've ever met.....tons of info and always eager to help kinda gang! Rusty Hart (Irish Acres)
Nov 25, 2011 Thread starter #12 Chick1043 Chillin' In The Garden Joined Nov 22, 2011 Messages 27 Reaction score 0 Points 27 Yay!! Lots of BYC people!! xD