Hattie the Hen
Deeply Rooted
HAIL, THUNDER, LIGHTNING, HIGH WINDS -- WOW!!! You can stop right now!!
Today started out sunny but this afternoon was just plain NASTY!!
My new chicks were having their first day outside in their day-run --their first look at the great world. Mama "Julia" had them all under, her trying to protect them from the rain when I got to them at the first sight of rain. I scooped them up & got them back into the hutch before the hail etc happened & I then ran indoors & left all my precious plants to fend for themselves along with the adult chickens.
When I shut them up tonight it was too dark to see any damage. The hail was heavy but didn't last too long! So the plants will be OK. I will be up early to see..............!!
:rose Hattie :rose