Garden Master
Welcome! Welcome! We will certainly enjoying hearing about your adventures in gardening!
Charming!Natural disasters are a part of life around here. The Mississisppi floods almost every spring. (Strangely not this spring!) But it is flooding in Texas Really bad flooding- see some of @flowerweaver 's posts. The mid-west and other parts of the country are prone to tornados all summer. Hurricanes hit the gulf coast and east coast far to often. Then of course California shakes a bit! I am happy to say I live high enough to be out of a flood plane and away from any fault line that might have a quake. Only need to worry about tornadoes and strong thunderstorms with embedded straight line winds some times over 70-80 miles and hour and hail! Hunkered down tonight watching radar for storm warnings. Then I almost forgot blizzards like they had in the North east this winter.
Indeed! About 2 hours drive south. Albury has very little to boast about when it comes to the cold. Not compared to where I am anyway (easily the coldest town in NSW, if not all of the country. Which, is still very mild compared to what you northerners must experience, but here, unless people have been in the area a long time, they've no idea how to handle it)Greetings Butteryscotch, Good to have you here. South east, are you below Canberra? We heard it was bitter cold in Albury.
Wifey's mum is here, visiting, from Jocobs Well, Queensland, bit warmer up there.
Look forward to hearing more about what you have going there. Glad you came by, tah.
Hi butteryscotch and welcome to the forum. I'm from Northeast Pennsylvania, where the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York meet, about 90 miles from New York City.
I just purchased some organic beef from Australia the other day in the organic section of a local supermarket. It was on sale, so I bought a few pounds. It was excellent cooked out on the grill.
I see you are not shy and have jumped right in. You''ll find a nice group of folks here. We're glad to have you with us.
Hi Butteryscotch! I'm looking forward to reading about your gardening practices and how you deal with the different difficulties that your climate hands out.
I'm in the upper panhandle of Idaho, 90 miles south of Canada.
Haha! Currently winter is stopping me from doing much at all plant-wise. But I'll be sure to post plenty of photos as summer draws nearer!Finally! Someone who (along with Hal) can put these dang'd Southerners to shame with their winter gardens. @butteryscotch, be sure to post lots of photos of your November through March gardening adventures. Those of us under feet of snow tend to get touchy when those dang'd Southerners (who shall remain nameless even though we all know who you are) post pix of their winter grown carrots, lettuces, beets, and such.
My ears are burningWelcome, @butteryscotch !It is so weird to think about winter right now. @Hal is from Australia too.