October Crazy-Hip Replacement


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
We have to be there at 7:30 AM for pre registration, lunch, then attend a joint replacement class. This ain’t our first rodeo. He’s had shoulder replacement and knee replacement. This is supposed to be an easier recovery than those.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
A friend had a broken hip that wound up a total hip replacement ! He came by a few days ago with out even a cane. Says he is feeling great! I know they will have him up and moving quickly. He did a knee already. This really should be easier. Wishes for a speedy recovery for BJ


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
We are working on having him rebuilt. Open heart 3 way by pass surgery, shoulder replacement, knee replacement, prostate surgery---on my birthday, I am so bad-I sat in the waiting room singing,
Happy Birthday to me! You get sur-gur-ree! Then you can pee-pee! Happy Birthday to me! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

He had cataract surgery on both eyes, got the upgrade lens and now has 20-15 eyesight! We'll just keep replacing pasts, heck, he's gonna live forever.


Deeply Rooted
Jul 19, 2019
Reaction score
Indiana, zone 5b
We are working on having him rebuilt. Open heart 3 way by pass surgery, shoulder replacement, knee replacement, prostate surgery---on my birthday, I am so bad-I sat in the waiting room singing,
Happy Birthday to me! You get sur-gur-ree! Then you can pee-pee! Happy Birthday to me! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

He had cataract surgery on both eyes, got the upgrade lens and now has 20-15 eyesight! We'll just keep replacing pasts, heck, he's gonna live forever.
Best wishes for BJ’s surgery. One week to go!


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Bay', I rambled this morning and hope that is okay with you. The discussion on joints over on the quotes and thoughts thread, almost set me off there but BJ's and your experiences make it just too tempting to ramble along here. (Had to come back to proofread all this in the afternoon!)

I'll have to be careful rambling because I'm such a lame critter, there is no telling where I might end up. I've been thinking how my leg and arm joints have not been troubling me lately with what is probably osteoarthritis aches. Those seem to come and go over a month or two. Still, my "awkward gait" is a little more awkward this October, this 2020.

20+ years of stumbling around has taught me a few things. Foremost is try to be conscious of my direction and purpose. Another is to stop before looking back. The easiest way for me to fall is to look over my shoulder. No glancing back, without some thought to it ...

You are likely to remember that we laid my 101 year old father to rest almost exactly 1 year ago. He was not one to expend much effort except in moving forward, right up until the final weeks of his life. Oh, he had his memories and ideas and, honestly, better communicated them during the last few years of his life than at any other time that I remember.

I have a new neighbor that I hope to continue communicating with. Here's how that may go. The last new neighbors that I got to know, the young guy introduced himself when I was out in the yard without my hearing aids. I pointed that out to him but we exchanged pleasantries and I said that I would learn his name at another time. Wouldn't you believe it, once again I was out without the silly aids when he hurried over to the fence with his girlfriend! Fortunately, DW was nearby and she came over to run interference for her "better half" while I tried to melt into the landscape.

I became so defensive about this experience that now, I almost never leave the house even to walk across the backyard, without the hearing aids. One might expect better habits and skills since I've worn the miserable things for over 3 decades.

Joint Surgery. I was sent to a neurosurgeon by the primary care guy, years ago. "Oh no, we had better not do that work with you carrying that rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis." Seven years later, I was sent back to same surgeon, "we can do some work on those nerves but it will be for the pain, only." I went off to an orthopedic surgeon for a second opinion. He agreed, too late for my "awkward gait" repair. So, I'm envious of BJ ;). Live with the pain? Yeah, that was my decision.

DS recently turned 50. He said that the most common advice that he has had from old people through his life is "don't get old!" Baloney. That's just a very lame way of looking for sympathy. Let's just do the best we can and appreciate what surrounds us and appreciate others, both from our past and in the here and now.

on his way out to the garden ~ and now back :)


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Steve, he probably would still be hobbling around, but I dragged him to the doctor when he finally retired at age 70. First thing on the list was knee replacement. They ran tests to see if his heart was in good shape--and it wasn't. So he had a triple bypass, then months of therapy. A year later, back for knee replacement, then months of therapy, finally got shoulder replacement, followed by months of therapy.......

I am a big believer in "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
I am also a big believer in "If it IS broke, FIX it!"

So here we are, another joint replacement. And his other hip is worse than this one, but it isn't hurting-yet. We will have this to do again. These surgeries have greatly improved his quality of life. 10 days, 10 months or 10 years and beyond, it has all been worth it.

ETA, Steve you can ramble on my threads all you want.
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