Official Arizona Thread! Veggies in the Valley?


Nov 6, 2011
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Hey Kev. I once had an apple tree that wouldn't produce. I pruned it and the following spring it was covered in blossoms. That in a nutshell is my only experience with apple trees.


Leafing Out
Feb 10, 2012
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Thanks AZ Bootsie, I actually went out and cut the tops off of some branches and peeled the leaves off others and left some alone. I guess I'll see if anything happens with the different branches.


Leafing Out
Feb 10, 2012
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AZBootsie said:
Hey Kev. I once had an apple tree that wouldn't produce. I pruned it and the following spring it was covered in blossoms. That in a nutshell is my only experience with apple trees.
Ha! I ordered a "pruning" book off Amazon, no wonder I wasn't getting very many blossoms! You have inspired me

City farm

Leafing Out
Aug 31, 2014
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Tempe Arizona U.S.A.
Thanks...I was lonely.

I like to grow the weird stuff. I REALLY like things that are weird colors. IE- purple brussels sprouts and yellow carrots. I tend to stay away from things I can buy for $.25 at Sprouts. I also grow things that are heratige or have had all nutritional content genetically bred out for mass production. Maybe that is a little contradictory, but---meh.

Do you have devils claw? If not pop on over for tea and seeds..

We were/are remodeling the house, and last August had to abandon all water lines to the backyard. So- I didn't get to grow anything but grass until late August. It was a lot of work cleaning out the garden.

Some items were Just "tossed in" because the seeds were a little older. I know most seeds will keep 4-5 years in the fridge, but I order from Baker Creek and T&M---so there needed to be more room in the seed drawer for when the catalogs come in! :)

I did the same thing.. We did not have as much luck with the older seeds.

ANYWHOO--here is what I planted.

A Peas - "Canoe"
B Peas -"Snowpeas, Asian"
C Peas - " Asparagus" or "Thai Winged"
D Bean-Climbing-"Blauhide"
E Bean-Climbing-"Kabouli black garbonzo"
F Bean-Climbing-"Goldfield"
G Bean-Climbing-"Chinese Red Noodle"
H Bean-Climbing-"Taiwan Black"
I Bean-Climbing-"Borlotto Lingua di Fuoco" or "Fire Tongue"
J Brussels Sprout-"Falstaff"

1 Basil-"Greek"
2 Basil-"Purple Ruffles"
3 Basil-"Purple Delight"
4 Basil-"Cinnaom"
5 Basin-"Ararat"
6 Basil-"Lettuce Leaf"
7 Basil-"Lemon"
8 Savory-"Summer"
9 Dill-"Mammoth"
10 Brussels Sprout-"Falstaff"
11 Brussels Sprout-"Catskill"
12 Parsley-"Extra triple curles"
13 Raddichio-"Red Verona"
14 Courgetter-"Tricolor F1"
15 White Scallop
16 Yellow crookneck
17 Cherry Tomatoes (plants) "Sweet 100"?
18 Egg-Plant (plants) Icihban
19 LOTS AND LOTS of tomato & Potato volunteers popping up
20 Just bought an apple and a nectarine/peach/etc cocktail tree
21 Lettuces "Romaine/Buttercrunch/Bibb"
22 Various onions & garlic
23 Lots of beneficial flowers

Atomic Red
Purple Dragon
Cosmic Purple
And a few randoms from China-free from the USDA

Have I mentioned I am an accountant? I am terribly organized about some things....I have an Excel Spreadsheet "map" that feeds into my Outlook. It tells me when to plant & when to harvest. I am so much crazy, in one little package.

It is our season for planting, your garden sounds wonderful! Do you harvest & save the seeds?

I can't believe our flock is eating our summer plant, portulaca? We have not been able to enjoy the lovely flowers..

We have 2 jungle fowl, they are the only 2 that found a way out..they come & go as they see fit.. We finally put a wire cage on top..

We love to put art, lamps,rocks & what not to enhance our garden expierence . Tea time by the garden..:weee

Have you certified your property? I put our plaque in a pot.. Wild Life Federation has a few different plaques to choose from..we took a photo & posted, you can see it on our post..

We have some lovely edible cactus & succulents here in Arizona.. Beautiful colors of greens, blues & purple. :thumbsup:thumbsup
We are having success with dragon fruit, have you grown this?

Since Arizona has such diverse weather, we can all share our gardening expierence. Pros & cons.. We just started some lotus pond plant & devils claw.. However our chickens got a hold of the devils claw.. We will post up photos soon..

We are growing milk & water kefir grains along with kombucha.. We added raw unfiltered honey to the water kefir grains. . having a big party tomorrow, so we hope to add cranberry, raspberry and blueberry juice to the water kefir grains. .I bet it will be a party favorite. .
Both our chickens & ducks love the milk grains..

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