Garden Master
Losing weight & getting fit tops my list. The "winter weight" is especially troublesome this year, due to loss of work-related exercise (retirement) and Covid-related reduction of indoor activities. I've been eating healthy & limiting my intake... but if "denial" is a river in Egypt, that river keeps getting wider, and so do I.
I need to increase my activity, but my knees limit the type & amount of exercise I can do. I'm still looking for a machine I can use while watching TV (or while I'm here). 
I'm really hoping to get more involved in volunteer work this year. Nearly all activities at my church have been canceled since the Covid restrictions began. I may try to renew my association with the local Master Gardeners, if they have overcome their obsession with Parliamentary Procedure & are actually trying to accomplish something useful.
The work has already begun, to further expand & improve my home vegetable garden. One tree in the path was cut down, and the stump partially removed... the removalshould will be completed in Spring. The big mulberry which shades that new area has already been contracted for removal; I'd cut it down myself, but it leans heavily over the neighbor's fence. The arborist wanted to wait for frozen ground before driving his heavy equipment over the lawn, so he should be contacting me soon (or I him).
I'd like to say my intent was to save more money this year, but repair of the driveway & sidewalk is long overdue, so barring anything ELSE interfering (as in the last two years) I hope to finally complete those projects.
Declutter??? That's all I've been doing for months during lockdown - I want to mess things up!!!
The only remaining areas in need of organizing are unheated, and will have to wait for warmer weather.
But the biggest thing I need to do for 2021 though, is to establish my retirement plan. This year hasn't really felt like retirement, or vacation - more like prison, with work release privileges. I need to strengthen the friendships which have been strained, form new ones, and re-establish some long-neglected family relationships. Get involved with some of the social activities that I could never commit to while I was working. And DW has had her heart set on visiting other parts of the U.S., so hopefully the country opens up enough by Summer to allow that.

I'm really hoping to get more involved in volunteer work this year. Nearly all activities at my church have been canceled since the Covid restrictions began. I may try to renew my association with the local Master Gardeners, if they have overcome their obsession with Parliamentary Procedure & are actually trying to accomplish something useful.
The work has already begun, to further expand & improve my home vegetable garden. One tree in the path was cut down, and the stump partially removed... the removal
I'd like to say my intent was to save more money this year, but repair of the driveway & sidewalk is long overdue, so barring anything ELSE interfering (as in the last two years) I hope to finally complete those projects.
Declutter??? That's all I've been doing for months during lockdown - I want to mess things up!!!

But the biggest thing I need to do for 2021 though, is to establish my retirement plan. This year hasn't really felt like retirement, or vacation - more like prison, with work release privileges. I need to strengthen the friendships which have been strained, form new ones, and re-establish some long-neglected family relationships. Get involved with some of the social activities that I could never commit to while I was working. And DW has had her heart set on visiting other parts of the U.S., so hopefully the country opens up enough by Summer to allow that.