OK, so I'm a wimp...


Deeply Rooted
Jun 11, 2017
Reaction score
North Idaho
Every day I think how mobility problems make me feel old. Back: 4 slipped discs, stenosis, sciatic nerves shot on one side, weakened on the other. Each year is worse but I have been limping since early middle age. Stumble over my own toes and wobble on the slightest uneven ground.
OUCH! I had my first knee surgery when I was 15, joint disease, the other knee the next year, between that and horses, motorcycles and working hard I have been gimping around for most of my days. I am living on Aleve along with real aspirin for the bad times and icing it. Seeing a chiropractor has been about all that has kept me on my feet this past month. He has really helped take the pressure off the nerve without being a "bone cruncher".
I like the idea that I am just getting practice in for my later years! :old


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Rheumatoid arthritis may have been all of my problem. Horse stepped on my foot a few times, bee sting from riding a motorcycle and having it go down my shirt, tried not to work hard ;) ... i blame the RA for problems unrelated but, it deserves condemnation ;).

Remember being frozen in bed when I was about 8 and the doctor making a house call. Mom carrying me around from one sunny window to another. Limped at times thru high school and was told by orthopedic surgeon that I had "erosion" of one hip joint at 18. Didn't think I'd live much longer when i was in my late-20's. Then, the RA began to be less and less a problem ...

Of course, I was a basket-case so the illness might have decided that I wasn't worth bothering with any longer.

;) Steve

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
:hugs@LocoYokel Sorry you have an Owee . some of us can relate more than others. Do what the Dr. thinks best. Good luck and be careful not to reinjure yourself when healing. (Like over doing garden and rabbit chores.) Hope you start to feel better real soon.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
Having my humble beginnings in BYH, where there is a journal forum, I have been hesitant to start a journal type thread here at TEG...
Notice the cool lilac of the text, how wishywashy can one get in making a declarative statement....
In all my interior dialogues and subsequent re edits never did I come up with this but here it is:

I have a booboo.

Back in late June I slid the couch over. Wrong. The MRI shows a torn disc with complete extrusion (it all squishied out) and it is an owiee. 'Sposed to hear from the surgeon sometime this week.
More important to me is the offer I made to fellow gardeners:
The terms may have changed but the spirit of giving is the same.
I also have posted this on other media:

Due to an injury I have been really late harvesting my last batch of rabbits. (Born 3-13-17) Finally felt spunky enuff today and would love to trade goods. I have a package of kidneys and livers, fresh today, 11.45 oz. for the cooks out there. The three roasters are also available, two over 4#, one 5.7#. Very fat rabbits, very clean meat, won't be put in freezer for 48 hrs, just chillin for now. I'm not trying to sell my rabbit meat, I just really could use some help right now.
Would love to trade for small bale grass hay/orchard mix (no alfalfa) or? If anyone is interested in helping me with my rabbits (3 does, 1 buck and 3 juniors) this fall and winter I would love to share them and my backyard experience. My does are too heavy for me to carry to my buck, want to raise rabbits without the expense? I also have great "compost starter" for home gardeners without access to homemade poo.
I really don't want to throw those chitlins to the chickens, any help would be appreciated and anyone wanting to learn about backyard rabbits is welcome. Located close to ID/WA stateline.

I try not to complain much, sorry for the WAH factor but wanted to let my "homeys" know whats up and what's available.

Of course you're not a wimp! So sorry for the pain you're in, :hugs
I can empathize, having had a back injury before. It really messes life up doesn't it?
I'm local by TEG standards, but regretfully not so local that I'd be able to help out regularly :(.
But I can come help you dig stuff up and move things around. All you need to do is point. Things are getting on the busy side for me again with fall cleanups and such, but I'm sure we can come up with a day that works for both of us. And I will have a couple of things to share if you're interested. :)

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Of course you're not a wimp! So sorry for the pain you're in, :hugs
I can empathize, having had a back injury before. It really messes life up doesn't it?
I'm local by TEG standards, but regretfully not so local that I'd be able to help out regularly :(.
But I can come help you dig stuff up and move things around. All you need to do is point. Things are getting on the busy side for me again with fall cleanups and such, but I'm sure we can come up with a day that works for both of us. And I will have a couple of things to share if you're interested. :)
Awww Thistle you are such a sweetie.


Deeply Rooted
Jun 11, 2017
Reaction score
North Idaho
Now that I have a working monitor again....
But I can come help you dig stuff up and move things around. All you need to do is point. Things are getting on the busy side for me again with fall cleanups and such, but I'm sure we can come up with a day that works for both of us. And I will have a couple of things to share if you're interested.
@thistlebloom , you are the sweetest! :love Please don't worry about my stuff, I was more worried about getting things to those that were interested. If there is anything anyone wants this fall they are welcome to it, otherwise spring is fine. I do have a few spots that I could add a few new plants but again that can wait 'til next year, I know you are busy.
DH has done a good job, for the most part ;), wrapping things up for fall and there is nothing that didn't survive last winter that won't survive this one. Moving, thinning and separating the plants isn't really necessary. Y'all know how some women like to move the furniture around? Well that is me with my flowders...:oops:.
As for my booboo I have been being very careful not to overdo, which is extremely hard to do! I am still unable to drive, can't sit upright, but I can walk now without dragging my foot so it feels like I can just SAIL across the yard. Stairs are still a problem, no sailing up and down them. And of course once I get to where I'm going...there I am, o_O. I finally have an appointment with a spine surgeon on the 19th. It's kinda hard to believe that that will be almost four months after, time flies in hindsight.

Got the rabbits harvested, finally! Two dressed out at 5.5lbs., one at 4.5lbs., anyone interested in a roaster? I have been trying to trade for some grass hay or even some breeding help but no takers yet. The final head count out there now is 3 Sr. does, 2 Jr. does, 1 Sr. buck and 1Jr. buck. I usually only breed one doe at a time but am thinking I might do two since I am behind in stocking the freezer. For the most part I do not like to have any litters due or under 8 weeks during those bitter January and February nights. Keeping their water fresh, not frozen, is work enuff!
The hens got their "night lite" this weekend. Just a timer for a 60 watt bulb inside the coop, giving them 14 hours of light daily keeps them laying and it also helps keep them inside on the more blustery days. Mud hens... I raised Mud hens: My buff orpingtons were prissy lil' gals compared to these black sex links, the eggs are dirty even on dry days. :mad:

On that note I am off to do my chores. Sure have missed TEG while the 'puter was down!


Deeply Rooted
Jun 11, 2017
Reaction score
North Idaho
My girls have practically closed their egg factory too. I need to figure a way to run a light to them. Slackers.
@baymule , the place I used to live was a little over 300' from the barn, past the garden. I rounded up 400' of heavy orange extention cords and plugged them together, covering the plugs with extra extra wraps of black electrical tape. Ran it around the end of the drive, over the garden and into the barn, making sure it would not get driven on or snow-blowed. Rolled it up in the spring, worked for the two winters I was there. We did the same thing up at camp for several years but spliced the wire and ran it thru some PVC which we buried about 10" deep under the road and behind the shed so not a trip hazard. That one we just unplugged and bagged the ends for winter. Just some ideas...