Garden Addicted
Well, my first summer back in MO, has shown me that my fellow Missourians do NOT eat okra. I will be growing my own next year. Not even the freezer section carries it, although those tend to be too overripe and gross anyways. But danggit. I really wanted me some stewed okra!! 

And NOPE....not at the farmers market either. One lady had a small basket....of beautiful green....TOO LARGE....okras. I didn't even stop to talk to her about them. A perfect okra needs to be the size of a lady's thumb. Any bigger and the spines can choke you.

And NOPE....not at the farmers market either. One lady had a small basket....of beautiful green....TOO LARGE....okras. I didn't even stop to talk to her about them. A perfect okra needs to be the size of a lady's thumb. Any bigger and the spines can choke you.