our fall garden


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
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I've been doing soil sieving in my garden. Soil does not sieve easily when it is wet, not even compost soil!

I made a sieve out of hardware cloth, the same stuff I made the anti gopher cages with.

The one bed I didn't finish last season in time for planting into I had turned into a compost making bed during the summer. It is now about half composted, and for this bed I am sieving out the uncomposted stuff which is mainly leaves, and using the compost as the base soil which will be under the anti gopher caging I'll make for this bed. Yes, there will be a layer of soil mixed with fully composted forest compost between, on top of the new compost and the bottom of the anti gopher cage. But it is hard, hard physical work! Along with doing all my other work chores that are mostly involved with my goal of having zero plumbing problems this winter, lol, the big elusive dream goal...

After I get this bed together in a realistically estimated 2 or 3 weeks, then I need to do a lot of work in my berry bed.

Since I will have SO MANY kinds of beans to grow this year, and also since I really only want to grow my favorite berries this year, logan, burbank white, fall gold, boysen, laciniatus, and tay, I am removing or greatly reducing the main antagonist berries that are trying to take over the world; the local wilding, black satin, burbank thornless, navajo thornless, and himalayan. (Probably forgot some details offhand). By doing this, plus rebuilding a section or 2 of the bed frame, I will also gain some square footage for some of the hopefully more vigorous pole beans. Also, the berry bed will require some areas to have more soil and anti gopher caging.

Since I'm still in "JUST DO SOMETHING AND GET SOMETHING DONE MODE" as suggested by several awesome folks in my annual please nag me thread, I am not setting my mind on the details of planning that bed too much, YET.

Would someone please tell the M & M candy makers to hurry up and start making CASHEW M & M's, please? Ohhhhhhhhhh those would be AWESOME!


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
Marshall, I have missed you and hope to see you more often, even if you are very busy. :hugs

Hope that burbank white does well for you. My Fall Gold didn't produce last year but there is new growth on them. I'm hoping they will grow this year. My Heritage though are doing very well. The kids love them. Olivia my grandaughter loves walking through my tiny path to get to them.



Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
Sheeeeeeeooooooooooooooooooooooowe! Sure have!

Coffee break time, sans CASHEW M & M's, but only because they haven't been invented yet.

Reminds me of those days 1.2 million years ago when I was trying to get someone to invent fire...

And, sure did take "them" a long time to invent the wheel! I was TRYING to tell "them" while we were working on lugging those little pebbles up to make the pyramids in Egypt, "someone ought to hurry up and invent the wheel", but did anyone lissen?

Cashew m&m's. Is it so difficult a leap in technology???

wut's fer lunch?


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
finally we had a nice day 58* all last week was in the 30's, so was able to uncover the beds and survive the frost damage only lost a couple bok choi and beets pinched off most of the frostbite leafs will finish that up tomorrow. simple amazing even with the damage theres new growth, the lettuce that was harvested just before this artic blast theres new shoots coming out the sides. uncovered one of the carrot beds oh my a fisherman's dream worms everywhere just cruising around stopped counting after 40.
will definitely do this wintertime garden over next winter with just a few modifications.......