Deeply Rooted
As far as I know, Pampas grass is Cortaderia sp., a totally different thing than Phragmites.
Phragmites is arguably native to N America but undisputedly the European strains that *are* introduced are a major pest in damp soils in most of the East and I would expect much of the rest of the country too.
Pampas grass (Cortaderia) prefers drier soils, and is not as fast-spreading as Phragmites. But still gets loose in many areas and takes off on its own.
Another cultivated grass that is a feral pest around here is some sort of largish pinkish-seed-headed Miscanthus (I think).
Phragmites is arguably native to N America but undisputedly the European strains that *are* introduced are a major pest in damp soils in most of the East and I would expect much of the rest of the country too.
Pampas grass (Cortaderia) prefers drier soils, and is not as fast-spreading as Phragmites. But still gets loose in many areas and takes off on its own.
Another cultivated grass that is a feral pest around here is some sort of largish pinkish-seed-headed Miscanthus (I think).