They are a beautiful sight in the window or on the table when the world outside is cold and snow-covered. I have forced them a time or two before, but I've never been able to get the spent bulbs to re-bloom in another year.
I guess I'm one of those that isn't crazy about the smell. Last year one of my parents gave me bulbs for Christmas and after smelling them in my house, I decided not to save the bulbs. I did save the pretty container and rocks it came with. I know she spent $50 on the kit, I just wished she had given me a certificate to a nursery instead . I know, it's the thought that counts.
@ninnymary I am right there with you. I think they smell a bit off! Overpowering. Maybe you can force tulips , hyacinths or daffodils in the kit instead.
@ninnymary and @Carol Dee i am glad I'm not the only one not to like their smell. i forced some one year and thought they were beautiful but also thought they smelled like cat urine, and no i didn't have a cat
I would never compare narcissus to kitty pee. That's just too funny! but I have my weird idiosyncrasies, such as being chemically sensitive and can't stand laundry soap smells or any kind of perfumes.