Garden Master
Hey Marshall, I will be growing Porter again this year! So, you think of that as a "paste" tomato? I haven't been reading this thread because I don't grow paste tomatoes. I think of my grandmother's tomato as a saladette and it is a whole lot like Porter. Okay, it doesn't have a lot of that gel in it (or, what did Major called it?marshallsmyth said:Years ago, what am I saying, decades ago I grew some paste tomatoes called Porter. Strong flavored, very dense and meaty. Have not even seem them in forever.
Mickey, you may want to think about Porter. It is supposed to be one that stands up to heat and dryness well. BER didn't bother it when I grew it before but I guess I only had it once. Grandmother's tomato is all but identical fruit-wise and I've grown that for over 20 years.
Maybe "this tomato nut" should grow paste-types. I certainly do freeze a lot of sauce for pasta!
BJ - you might want to try Porter, also. It is from the old Porter Seed Company in Texas. There is also the "Porter Improved" but I wanted the one like Grandma's. All non-hybrids.