Pathway by which Glyphosate Wrecks Health


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
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SW Washington
I have NO connection professioanly or economic or any other connection with Monsanto other than using Roundup from time to time as needed for weed / vegetation control using all of the label as well as USDA and EPA protocals for proper application and storage. Where I have a problem is using questionable " research" as " evidense" by questionable " scientists" and " experts" papers as the truth in your slanted point of view. I know that one time that you said that you do not belong to any activist group. However , your continuous posts suggest otherwise to an COORDINATED agenda that is against Monsanto , Roundup etc., at every twist and turn. So, FESS UP and tell us your true alegence to any and all actrivist groups that is bent of defaming a corporation and regulatory government agency. We are all waiting ..... :caf
Again ... what activist group do you represent ?????????? :idunno :hu

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
Hi BM, My family is the only group I represent, no other, I do belong at this time to: theeasygarden.
This seems a nice colection of people, I've met some kindred sprits here.

BM , If you want to use this product you can continue, but your passion for this procuct is a very important part of your life, as is you work to cover up information of it's reported injury to people around the world.
There is something urgent, need and anger, in your address of this issue, you haven't shown that on any other subject, if you had that for America you'd be a real patriot. You're an activist group all by yourself. Together with your fellow Roundup protector, something to behold.

Listen, we shouldn't argue, there is a lady who gets upset when people argue. If you want to present evidence as to the the good and/or safety of Monsanto's compounds, post them, I'd like to read them. Likewise, read the growing information that shows the damage and danger from around the globe. Lets talk about this without opionions set in stone.

I forgive you for anything you have said, and apoligize for anything that hurt you in any way.



Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
..Richard ... Your opinions are set in stone and mirror those of the fanatic anti business, anti Roundup, anti GMO, anti government , anti government regulatory bodies , anti establishment, etc. . Which leads a person to believe that you are much more than just a single individual but are one of the anti everything agenda group. So, you say that Roundup is a "very important part of my life, as is my work to cover up information of it's reported injury to people around the world." Well for your informtion, I use Roundup only once or twice a year to kill, maim, and destroyu weeds, and nothing else. It is a very good product when used correctly and following all proper protocols for it's use. Nothing more. Don't put words in my mouth or any othe inuendos.
My family and I escaped the tyrany of a Communist regime and have adopted AMERICA and all that it stands for and do defend it vigororously against evil forces. Hmmm, you forgive me for anything that I have said ? Interesting ? Yet , your postings say otherwise ! Your time would be much better spent in researching what America and it's Constitution is actually all about . :old
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valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
Greetings BM, If your family escaped communisim, I'm happy for you. Myself I was born here, love and respect America.
As for our Constitution Hillsdale College has a course on the Constution you will love if you love America. You can do it on line and you can do it free of charge. They have excellent speakers and text. I enjoyed it very much.

I know our country is great and our form of government. That doesn't stop me from seeing that larger corporations with billions to spend have arranged that their lawyers and experts be given administrative jobs in government agencies to have their products given the green light, and that it has entered our food chain. They, these corporations, have given very high paying jobs to public officials who have passed and protecting these products. You know this is the truth, right?

Don't be upset, you can have your Roundup. Please, think about the good of labeling, the product can continue to be sold and people can choose what they feed their families.

Have a good one.



Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Even though you deny membership in the anti - groups... you sure seem to support with great zeal their propaganda in lock step as evidenced by your postings. If it looks like a duck, sounds, like a duck, hey it must be a duck ! let's also expand on the truths ... the anti groups also practice these very same issues that you claim corporations are doing and they add protest events, protest marches, riots, vandalism, etc. Then when the police step in to restore order, they claim police brutality. :eek: