so lucky
Garden Master
In my limited experience, separating a chicken from the flock actually lowers their place on the pecking order. I had to do this to a rooster who was getting too big for his britches. It worked temporarily, at least. Also, I'm not sure if someone mentioned it or not, but the pecking order does change over time. My EE Dovie who was the runt and low girl in the pecking order somehow became the most agressive, and bullies the former top girl now. I don't like it one bit, but haven't done anything about it yet. I am looking at getting 3 or 4 new pullets, and if I do, the order will have to be reworked then anyway.
Someone will always be at the low end. If you can provide a place in their coop and yard where the low girl can get away, like behind a clump of tall grass or a screen, she should be OK, providing the others are not making her bleed. The blukote is a good idea, too. Good luck. I hope the issue resolves itself when your new girls join the group.
Someone will always be at the low end. If you can provide a place in their coop and yard where the low girl can get away, like behind a clump of tall grass or a screen, she should be OK, providing the others are not making her bleed. The blukote is a good idea, too. Good luck. I hope the issue resolves itself when your new girls join the group.