May 9, 2017 #1 valley ranch Garden Master Joined Dec 22, 2014 Messages 5,742 Reaction score 5,734 Points 367 Location Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert Got any idea what this is? It isn't exactly Tanzy. Flowers different, no button, leaves are different. Attachments IMG_2416.JPG 330.2 KB · Views: 519 IMG_2423.JPG 145.2 KB · Views: 288
Got any idea what this is? It isn't exactly Tanzy. Flowers different, no button, leaves are different.
May 10, 2017 #2 thistlebloom Garden Master Joined Dec 1, 2010 Messages 16,473 Reaction score 17,414 Points 457 Location North Idaho 48th parallel Take a look at this site. Does this look like it?
May 10, 2017 Thread starter #3 valley ranch Garden Master Joined Dec 22, 2014 Messages 5,742 Reaction score 5,734 Points 367 Location Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert Depending on where it's growing~kinda looks like that American wintercrest, but no broad leaves.
May 10, 2017 #4 thistlebloom Garden Master Joined Dec 1, 2010 Messages 16,473 Reaction score 17,414 Points 457 Location North Idaho 48th parallel I can't see your picture very clearly. It did seem to resemble mustard, so that's the direction I went.
I can't see your picture very clearly. It did seem to resemble mustard, so that's the direction I went.
May 11, 2017 Thread starter #5 valley ranch Garden Master Joined Dec 22, 2014 Messages 5,742 Reaction score 5,734 Points 367 Location Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert The girls were thinking it's a mustard, but it doesn't taste mustard. The goat and love it~but~ it's a new thing came a couple years ago~it's army, everywhere.
The girls were thinking it's a mustard, but it doesn't taste mustard. The goat and love it~but~ it's a new thing came a couple years ago~it's army, everywhere.