OH, yeah, I'm using the leaf mold! I can mow them with my bag mower into little pieces and mix with the soil and aged horse manure. I've done this in my vegetable garden for many years. I have to pinch my pennies with this project. ANYBODY that reads and has good suggestions like this, PLEASE chime in.
Ducks gardeners love to share, we can have a plant drive for your daughter. We can all mail you a division of one of our favorite garden plant this spring.
After the neighbors took out the big silver maple the yard has much more sun. I need to move a few things to shadier spots anyway. P.M. me your address and I will box up some come spring.
OMGOSH, Treats!! Boy, I need to look through my seeds and see if I have any that anybody wants, too. Can I pay for these? I was thinking of mailing US postage stamps. Nobody is gonna look to steal those.