Garden Master
I used to deep litter my chicken coop. In the fall many people rake and bag up their leaves and set them on the curb for the garbage man to pick up. All those nice leaves! I embarrassed my husband, making him turn around so I could get those bags of leaves. People looked at me like I was nuts when I asked if I could have them. Chickens LOVED the leaves. At that time, I had an 8'x8' coop and an 8'x 16' covered run. I would fill the coop and run up to 2 or 3 feet deep. The hens dove in. In a few short months they scratched to bits all those leaves, pooped all over them and mixed it up very well. They reduced it from 3 feet to a few inches. Then I dug it out, black crumbly garden gold. They made the BEST compost for me. Then I put more leaves in there for them. I stored the extra bags of leaves so they had entertainment all winter.