Garden Master
same here, we also reduced it a lot, especially the ground isn't even, everytime I mowed, I always worry that I will fall over somewhere.So, two areas with trees and shrubs became chicken kingdom, i guess they don't mind a bit slope. This year I also tried several wild flower patches, the effect is quite nice, not only for pollinators, but also some extra materials for cut flower arrangements.
as much as you may not want to mow you may also find out in time that if you allow bushes or trees to get established on a slope that they overly shade out the ground covers that are holding the soil in place. if you don't have natural terracing materials like rocks to use to hold that bank in place it can all get washed away. also you have to be careful to not let chickens strip an area of cover. they need to be managed like herbivores and rotated.
it is nice to have some wildflowers growing around the place. we leave some pinks and some other flowers to grow when i see them. we used to have poppies and nigella roaming around in the gardens out front and it would grow in the limestone mulch too but Mom has been getting rid of it since she's seen how much the deer have been eating it. the deer have just switched to the other plants instead. i miss the extra color and bee food out there but she being the person who picks it all up when it's done it's up to her what she wants to do out there.