Garden Master
Failure comes in different ways. There are a number of routes to success, there is an infinite number of ways to do something wrong. Sometimes, it a fizzle; sometimes, failure puts up a lot of smoke even without the flash/bang. It may smudge us up a bit, it can attract attention
It's important not to be too embarrassed by failure. There are too many ways to go off-track. Important to give it all some thought and try again coming from a little different direction. But, remember that old adage about insanity — doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.

It's important not to be too embarrassed by failure. There are too many ways to go off-track. Important to give it all some thought and try again coming from a little different direction. But, remember that old adage about insanity — doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.